Season 1 Ep 5: Just Another Day at the Shore

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Snooki leans over Vi and they both shout at the kid, "That's not for you!" "F*** you!" He shouts at them. Snooki shouts back, "F*** YOUR LIFE, B****!" "No, no ,no, no..." Mike said trying to back Snooki off but, Vi then stand up with Nicole, "What the f*** are you talking about right now?" Nicole leans on Vi shoulder, "Who are you? Go away!" She shoos him away with her hand.

{Nicole "Snooki": Julio orders us all drinks. Like, all of us shots. These guys come over and just take all of the shots.}

{Violette "Vi": Nicole leans over me to yell at these dude who I noticed is, like, taking our shots. Like, are you that frickin' poor you can't, like, afford your own drinks?}

Vi points to the drinks saying, "So why don't you pay for those?!" The dude point back at Mike, "This dude is paying for those. Shut the f*** up!" "Don't tell us to shut the f*** up!" Nicole yells. Vi shouts, "Get your ugly f***ing ass out of or faces--" the screen goes black and You hear a crack before you hear a mass of everyone shouting.

{Jenni "Jwoww": This kid just *Put her fist to her palm* hit her.}

{Nicole "Snooki": I glance over at Jenni to shout that these guys are assholes. And when I, like, turn back around this dude just, like, f***ing punches Vi in the mouth. She tumble back on me taking me down with her. I hold her in my lap as I, like, try to console her.. I was, like, what the actual f***!}

Violette is on the ground holding her mouth hysterically sobbing in Snooki's lap. Snooki is rubbing shoulders crying as she tries to console Vi. Jenni checks on them with Sammi not far behind. Julio and few other guys are pushing and pulling the dude out the bar. Pauly shouts, "Are you f***ing serious?! You're going to hit a f****ing girl?!" "You can't hit a girl!" Vinny yells. Jenni goes over to Vi trying to see the damage when the guys start to crowd over. Jenni waves them away, "Get away from her."

{Violette "Vi": I'm just laying and I'm like, "Yo, What the f*** just happened?!"}

Vi gets up on her knees still holding her mouth sobbing uncontrollably while Jenni is trying to get her to stand. Sammi helps Snooki get up before helping Jenni with Vi. Ron looks from Vi to the exit, "Are you f***ing serious?! You're going hit a f***ing girl like that?!" Security go push the guy out of the bar right into the arms of the cops. The guy struggles against the cop, "Don't f***ing touch me man!" Ron walks out of the bar with Pauly and Vinny by his side. Ronnie starts cursing up a storm at the kid as he gets arrested. Other guys start to come out trying to see the aftermath. The second police officer is holding back the others from heading off after the dude. Jenni holds Vi close as she leads her to the bathroom with Nicole and Sam close behind.

{Jenni "Jwoww": Me, Nicole and Sam kind of, like, picked her, and, like, carried her to the bathroom. And her mouth was bleeding, and blood was all over me, all over Nicole...}

Vi is sitting on the floor with her mouth open as Sammi helps clean her mouth up. Jenni help clean the blood off her hands while Nicole tries to the blood off of herself. Vi sobbed, "Who the f*** hits a girl like that?!" Nicole pulled her into a hug shushing her. Jenni still clean blood off her hands, "There blood all over."

The boys walked up to one of the dude friends with Vinny yelling, "Where the f*** did you learn it's okay to hit a f***ing girl, bro?!" The cop walks over ready to diffuse the soon to be fight. Ronnie pushes Vinny back, "Stop, stop, stop!"

{Pauly D: We're all heated at this point. We're like, I can't believe what just happened. Like, I've never seen that in my life. A guy's going to punch a female in the face. It's crazy.}

The guys start heading back to the bar trying to calm down. Ron said to Vinny, "Just go home, bro. Go home" Vinny kicks the gate of a closed shop before walking again. Mike said disgusted, "Dude, you hit a girl?" "I never f***ing even seen that before!" Vinny shouts. Pauly asked disgusted, "Who hits a girl?!"

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