4.YaY Pax

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I woke up to the sound of whispering and the guys walking in my room so I pretended to sleep. "Mason now that we are in here are you gonna do it." "Of course." I saw the guys as I squinted my eyes and saw Mason with a marker. He went to the side of the bed. I still had my sunglasses and bandana on. "I'm going to do it if she notices shes gonna kick my ass." My forehead was exposed and I realized what they were doing. He put the marker close to my face I then said without opening  my eyes"get out before I use my anime powers on you." I then grabbed the marker and Drew a dick quickly on Mason's forehead. "Damnit." "I ways get my revenge on something that never happended."" He ran out of the room leaving me and swagger.

"Mason talked me into watching him do it but it's karma." I got out of bed in my pajamas, and walked passed swagger. I noticed him looking but I did not say anything. I just left the room to go get my suitcase I never brought it in my room. "Hey Amy, did I get that dick of my face." I was gonna tell the truth and say no but I wanted everyone to look at him and see the slightly there dick."yes it's gone I should have drawn harder."

I got dressed in this today

I thought I looked cute and apparently so did swagger

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I thought I looked cute and apparently so did swagger. I cought him staring at my ass out of the corner of my eye. I teased at him by dropping my phone and squatted to pick it up. I then saw out of the corner of my eye, swagger pulling on his collar. I walked out of the room to bump into mister skyscraper.

"Hey Amy I was just on my way to get coffee. Wanna come." "Sure giraffe let me get the guys. He waited as I peeked into the room. "But Mason I think she knows." "She knows what." "You know tha----." I stopped the conversation by opening the door and asking them to come out and get coffee.


After coffee the others cought up to us as we walked to pax at 9 o'clock to meet fans. I got my badge and started over to my booth. My fans were so happy. They all asked for secret face reveals but all I gave them was showing one eye past  the glasses.

Finally done I loved to meet my fans but dang sometimes I get frustrated and crampy from signing things. I'm definitenetly not gonna show them today or tomorrow. "Are you gonna show us your face yet." "No Mason I still need to know you guys better." Mason pouted crossing his arms. 'he looked so funny like an adorable child' I guess swagger got jealous seeing me laugh at Mason as he just glared at him.

Today was only the first day of going to pax imagine the next 4 days.

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