First Day

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"Now I expect a foot long summary of what was taught today. If you took notes, it should be easier than catching a bee with honey. Class dismissed." I finished up my first ever Defense Against the Dark Arts class. As I perched atop my desk, I listened to the third year students gathering their things and talking in excited whispers. Apparently, my lesson was a huge success.

Once the room was cleared out, I yawned and stretched. It was the very tail end of the day and I was beat. Tomorrow we would be covering Yowlers. It would definitely be interesting. Then gathering up my notes, I headed towards my own rooms for a before dinner nap. 

But just as I shut the classroom door, a voice behind me said, "From what I hear, your lessons were quite popular." It was Snape. 

"Professor Snape, darlin," I yawned again, "You've caught me right before a quick nap. I'm afraid I'm as cranky as a gator in a fishing net when I'm tired." I heard something like a chuckle from him. I turned to face him, clutching my notes to my chest.

"Do I amuse you?" I asked, feeling very much like a cranky gator in a fishing net at the moment.

"You just have some very vivid vocabulary." Snape replied, "It shows intelligence." Well that was the nicest thing he had ever said to me.  Not bothering to reply, I whisked past him and down the hall to my chambers. 

Just as I was opening the door and stepping inside, I tripped over the caretaker's damned cat. Papers scattered as the toe of my boot caught my skirt and I pitched forward. Strong hands grabbed my waist and pulled me back upright. Adrenaline pumped through me as I leaned against a solid chest. Daring to look up, I saw Snape's unusually concerned face.

"Well if it isn't it my knight in black armor..." I murmured, rather enjoying the feel of his hands on my waist.  However, my words seemed to shock him. Quickly releasing me, he drew back.

"I'll have a word with Filtch about his cat." Snape said, turning on his heel and walking down the hall. I watched him go with curiosity. Once he was out of sight, I gathered my notes and shut the door. 

In the confines of my chambers, I leaned against the door and sighed. The places where his hands had been tingled from his touch. It was too bad he had ran away. I would have liked to thank him properly...

I set my notes down in a chair, then went into my bedroom. Looking up at John Lee hanging there grinning above my bed, I smiled.

"John Lee, I think Lady Voodoo is working her magic." I told the skull with a giggle, "And you know what she's telling me?" I paused for a second, but John Lee just kept grinning quietly.

"I think," I said slowly, "Tonight I'm going to show that man how a girl from the swamps gets what she wants." 

I've Put a Spell on You | A Snape x Reader Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now