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'Daniel's POV'

Finally, when the clock struck 11:00pm and I'm too tired to hold open my eyes any longer, I turn off the T.V. I don't even remember what show was even on.

With a yawn I stand up from the couch and walked out of the living room, not forgetting to turn off the lights. Then, I walked up stairs to my bedroom.

When I opened the door, I would have never expected to see Corbyn laying on my bed. He looks like a normal human for once, laying there like that.

I frown. There has to be a catch in this. Their is no possible way he didn't see me yet. He probably wants to try and scare me again, like he always did.

After I stood there waiting for something to happen for half a minute, Corbyn still didn't do anything not one single thing.

Maybe this isn't a trick and he really didn't see me?

I decide to just try and get his attention. I still want to have that conversation with him.

"Corbyn?" I asked, proud of myself that I didn't stutter and my voice was steady.

My voice seems to make him snap out of his thoughts and he looks at me. For a single secounds I could see surprise and even a tad bit of fear in his blue eyes when he saw me, but it changes right into pure anger when he jumps up from the bed.

"You're still here? I thought I told you to get the fuck out of here." Corbyn yells, almost hisses at me while taking steps right to me.

But this time I ain't going to let him get to me.

"No, stop." I said and to my surprise Corbyn stops walking. "I want to talk with you."

A dark chuckle leaves the boys lips. "Talk? Are you really going to do what Jonah told you to do?" He asked me and I nodded my head.

"Yes, but I've wanted to do that since I got to know who you are." I say truthfully. I'm not going to admit that I'm freaking out on the inside.

"Well, talk. You have a minute." Corbyn said, crossing him arms in front of his chest and tapping his foot.

"I just want to know why you're acting like this towards my friends and I. Why do you want me gone?" I immediately ask, getting straight into the point.

The expression on his face changes back to angry when he looks at me.

"It's my bloody house. You have no fucking right to live here!" He yells at me.

I take a step back slowly and say. "Okay, I know you're angry for that, but you're dead. I didn't know you were still here when I bought the house and I can't just leave because I have no other place to stay.  I won't mind sharing the house with you, but I'd rather you stopped being so..... so scary." I explained.

Corbyn snorts. "Of bloody course." He said sarcastically.  "Listen, I dknt want you here! I want to be alone! I don't care that you have to live on the streets, but just get away from me!" He yells out.

"Lets just stay calm and figure this thing out." I try to calm him down. He still scares me. He's something supernatural and I have no idea what he's capable of, even though I saw great part of it.

"There's nothing to figure out, Daniel. Just get the fuck out." To my relief, he's calmed down a bit, since he isn't yelling out anymore.

"Hey, you know my name." I suddenly exclaimed.

The look on his face that emerges when I day those word is hilarious. It's like I just said the most stupid thing ever. What might be the case if I think about it.

Corbyn rolls his eyes annoyed. "Of course I know your name. I heard your friends talk to you, plus Jonah knows you. He's still my friend."

"Oh." Seems logic. "But why do you hate me so much?" I ask.

"That's none of your damn bussiness." Comes the quick reply from the ghost.

I blink a few times. "But there has to be a reason. I just want to know why. Did i do something wrong?"

"I said it's none of your business. Just drop it." Corbyn answers. His arms drop to his side and it's like his eyes will fill with fire any moment.

"Look," I say with a sigh. "I know that what happened with you isn't fair for you or your family. It was horrible from these people to do something like that and it shouldn't have happen. I get that you're angry for what they had done, Corbyn. But, I can't do anything about that. It happen before I was even born in very sorry for you that something like that happened."

When I look in his eyes, I don't expect them to be filled up with unahed tears. It gives me hope that there is something left from the kind boy he used to be when he was still alive, so I continued.

"Just please remember I can't help that it happened. Believe me, if I could, I would have done something about it. All I want for now is just that you try and live here together with me. Maybe we can even be friends." I propose, but the last part of the sentence seems to be a bit much.

Corbyn's eyes started to my once again, like I saw before. I can't tear my eyes away from the horrible sight and I know he must be beyond pissed now.

"You don't know anything about me! I don't want to have anything to do with you! If you think we can be friends, you are horribly wrong! I hate you, Daniel Seavey and I swear I will do anything to get you away from here!" Corbyn's voice screech thought the while house at how hard he need yelling.

I flinch and wish he wouldn't do anything to me.

Corbyn takes a few steps closer to me threatening and I walk backwards.

"Get away from me! Leave me the fuck alone! I hate you!" Corbyn yells and then he disappears.

I had release the breath I didn't know I was holding in. I must admit that was very scary, but I know I reached something.

The way he was crying when he yelled those last words.

I go over to my bed and drop myself on to it.,I smile, knowing that the tough ghost boy can be fixed and I will be the on to do just that, if he lets me.

I fall asleep quickly after that, knowing that I can sleep without being woken up this night.


New update hope you enjoyed it. Let's just say I might update TWO times a month for you guys ;) or more if I have free time ;) ;)


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