Chapter 15: Twenty Four Hour

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The next day, Mr Red returned with bad news. Janie, Jason and their friends invited him to have breakfast with them at the dining table.

'What's this bad news all about, Cliff?' Jason asked serving him a plate.

Mr Red explained, 'You and Ms Stone have to marry in twenty-four hours on the property or else the government will seize five hundred acres of your land.'

'What? They can't do that?' Janie said angrily.

'Did our grandparents sign a contract for this?' Jason asked.

Mr Red nodded, 'Quite so, boy. Now you have to spread the word in town to round up everybody to come to your wedding to make it look legit to avoid the government.'

'You're serious? I can't believe this. How are we going to get the people to come?' Janie asked.

'Throw a huge Carnival. People love events like that!' Rachel suggested.

'Get the circus too, to perform tricks. I'm sure they'll come,' Nian added.

'I like that idea, girls,' Jason smiled. 'What do you think, Janie?'

Janie looked at them and smiled, 'It could really work.'

'Then let's do it,' Yint agreed. 'Fennell and I will call a few friends from the mobile amusement park.'

'Those guys have the best mobile rides. They can set up a whole amusement park on the property in a matter of seconds,' Fennell admitted.

Rachel smiled, 'While all that is going on, your wedding will take place for everybody to witness.'

'And you can kiss the government goodbye,' Nian smirked wiggling her eyebrows.

'It's a win-win for everyone,' Mr Red said with a smile.

'We better spread the word fast and I think I know how,' Jason smirked excusing himself from the table, pocketing out his phone and calling a few of his buddies from the air balloon company. They agreed to spread the word about his Carnival wedding with Janie that's happening in twenty-four hours on Angel's Rest.

After Mr Red thanked them for breakfast and left, Nian, Rachel and Janie were at the pool. Janie was freaking out about the decision of marrying Jason to keep the five hundred acres on their family land. She looked at Nian and Rachel. They were talking about her wedding preparations. 'I hardly know Jason even though we did it more than once. I can't marry him yet. It's only been a week and three days. And to think I did be walking down the aisle with him in twenty-four hours is extremely crazy. But we need to do this to save our grandparents' property and our inheritance: the gold. Who cares if it's been a week and three days! I'm getting married and that is all I ever wanted. I hope I'm right,' she thought and sighed.

'What's wrong, Janie?' Nian asked worriedly.

'Are you okay?' Rachel questioned with concern.

'I'm just a little freaked out by my twenty-four hours wedding with Jason,' Janie admitted.

'Why worry, girl? It will be fine. You'll be fine,' Nian smiled.

'Now get in the pool and have some fun with us,' Rachel said tossing the beach ball toward her.

Janie laughed as she caught it. 'Okay, okay!' and got into the water as they played.

'Rachel wants to have her wedding Sunday coming,' Nian started.

'So soon...? Have you and Fennell told your families about this, Rachel?' Janie asked.

Rachel answered, 'Yeah, we did. They freaked out and agreed to come. We decided to have our wedding here. Fennell talked to Jason and Yint about it. They agreed to help out with the wedding. I wanted you and Nian to be my maids of honor while my other friends at the bakery will be my bridesmaids.'

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