Chapter 14

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WOW! Over 1,000 reads! That’s amazing considering this is my first fan fic! Thank you guys so much for reading!

Chapter 14

Someone’s POV

Does this kid really think he can come here and beat me up and not expect to get hit back? Well stupid decision boy. You messed with the wrong guy.

Tori’s POV

Liam untied my feet, and making his way to my hands. I looked behind him to see that he had gotten up from the ground and was making his way towards us.

I screamed to get Liam’s attention. It did, but silly Liam, turned around and got punched in the face.

Come on Liam!

I ran to the other side of the park and watched the scene unfold.

Liam had gotten up after being punched and started fighting him. They rolled on the ground and hit each other back n forth for a good 10 minutes.

During the 10 minutes, I managed to get the rope undone on my hands. I ran over to where the fight was happening and grabbed Liam. I pulled him from His grasps and we started running back towards the hotel.

Liam was struggling the whole time though because he couldn’t see out of his left eye, which looked like he had a black eye, and his hand was the size of a baseball ball from all the punching he did.

My enemy on the other hand was following closely behind us, making sure he didn’t lose us.

I saw the entrance to the pool area just a yard away. I looked behind my shoulder to see how Liam was doing. He looked like he could make it. I then looked behind Liam to see where He was, and He was nowhere in sight.

Oh shit. That isn’t good.

I stopped running and Liam ran into me. He looked at me, confused. “Why did we stop?”

“He’s gone.” I muttered.

Liam looked behind him and saw no one there. He turned back towards me with fear in his eyes. “Where did he go?”

“I don’t know. But I do know that he won’t stop till he gets what he wants. And it might take days, months, even years till he strikes again.” I stood there with no expression on my face.

Liam nodded. “But I do think we should go back to the hotel. It might be the safest place to be than in the middle of a random forest.”

“Your right. And we need to get some ice for your injuries.” I started walking towards the entrance again, with Liam hot on my heels, laughing.

Someone’s POV

I followed Tori and her friend who I think his name was Liam, through the forest. I was hot on their heels. But when I saw the entrance to the hotel, I couldn’t risk blowing my cover.

I hid behind some trees, still close enough to hear the conversation that was spoken between Tori and Liam.

When Tori started talking about me, I felt butterflies come to my stomach. She always had a way of making me feel funny inside. And that’s why I need her in my life again.

They shortly ended their conversation and walked back to the hotel.

They thought they were safe in that hotel? HAHA think again children. I know that hotel like I know my ABCs. But Tori was right about how I will strike again. They won’t know when, or where, but I will be back. I will be with the love of my life. Even if it means killing the people she is closet with.

Tori’s POV

We reached the pool area and I stopped again in my tracks. Liam once again ran into me. “You gotta stop doing that.” He smirked at me. I laughed but then became serious again.

“You don’t know how grateful I am that you saved my life Liam. I owe you a BIG explanation to tonight’s events. And I do think you guys owe me an explanation to the events that happened last night.” I looked at him directly in the eyes, telling him I meant what I said.

“Come back to our room and spend the night. All of us in the morning can talk about what happened the past couple of days. And you and Harry can talk too.”

My heart skipped a beat when he mentioned Harry’s name. But I just nodded and followed him to the elevators.

I was yawning uncontrollably now, and Liam could tell I was really tired. He picked me up bridal style and carried me into the elevator. I laughed at his silliness, but didn’t object. My eyes fluttered closed as I felt the elevator go up. Blacking out into my perfect world I liked to call my dreams.

Liam’s POV

She looked so cute when she sleeps.

I carried Tori into our room. Then proceeded towards my room. The gentleman I am, I let her sleep in my bed, and I slept on the couch. I tucked her in and kissed her on the forehead. Then went into the living room and sprawled out on the couch.

Harry is so going to kill me in the morning.

With that, I fell into a deep sleep.

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