Chapter 22

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Sorry for the lack of update! Been busy trying to enjoy the rest of summer before school! Hope you like it(:

Chapter 22

Courtney’s POV

Tori had been in bed for 3 days straight now. Each day she would cry her eyes out, eat ice cream, watch movies (movies with love stories behind them), and go on Tumblr where she kept seeing Harry. So you can say she was not taking the break up very well.

I tried so hard to get her out of her room and go shopping or do something else, but every time she would turn me down saying she would tomorrow but it would be same story the next day.

I hated seeing her like this. And I knew there was only way to fix her.

I need to talk to one of the other boys in One Direction.

Maybe if I work with one of the other boys we could get Harry and Tori back together.

But who would I call?

I remembered that Tori told me she had all of the boys’ numbers incase of an emergency.

Well this is a fucking emergency.

When Tori got up and did her daily bathroom run, I ran into her room in search of her cellphone.

I tore her sheets off, opened every cabinet drawer, looked in her closet, etc. I finally found it hidden under her bed.

I grabbed it and ran out of her room just in time. I ran downstairs and jumped onto the couch.

Time to start my plan.

Louis’s POV

Harry has been a complete mess since the break up. He must have really liked the girl if they only went out for a day. I mean yeah they were together for a little more than a month but it wasn’t official till the day we left the USA.

Harry has been mopping around, crying his eyes out during the night, and completely out of it.

He also has been doing the complete opposite of what management has been asking him to do. He’s pissing management off so much that they are considering firing him. But Harry and the rest of us boys know that if Harry is let go, then we all go, and if we all go then they won’t make money. So they have to come up with other ways to get Harry to cooperate.

At the moment we are in London finishing up recording before we do some promotion work here. We will be back in New York in about 3 weeks to do some more recording plus promotion, and also have a little vacation.

I talked with the boys excluding Harry, about a way to get Harry and Tori back together, and this time, keep it a secret from Management. We all hate to see Harry like this, so if getting them back together is the easiest way, then we have to make it happen.

The past couple of nights, we all sat up just trying to think of ways to get them together again, but nothing came to mind.

Tonight, we all gathered again in attempt to think of a way.

“Guys, I think it useless to stay up all night trying to think of a plan that none of us will ever think of.” Zayn told us.

“But there has to be a way.” I spoke.

That’s when I heard a ringing coming from the kitchen.

“What’s that ringing?” Niall asked.

“Let me go check it out.” I got up from the couch in the living room of Harry and I’s apartment and went into the kitchen.

My cellphone was vibrating on the counter. I picked it up and looked at the caller ID.


Strange. I don’t normally answer Unknown calls, but my gut feeling is telling me to answer it. So, what the hell.

I pressed the green button and put the phone against my ear while I walked into the living room.


“Hi. Is this Louis Tomlinson?” A squeaky girl voice asked me.

Great it’s just another fan.

“I’m guessing you are a fan? Well I don’t know how you got my number but please don’t call this number again please?” I asked her.

Just as I was going to press end, I heard the girl say Tori’s name. “Wait! Don’t hang up! This is about Tori!”

“What about Tori?” I answered questionly.

“I’m Courtney Simpson. Tori Underwood’s best friend. I need you and the rest of One Direction’s help!”

“Help with what?”

“Tori is heartbroken. Now I don’t know what Harry’s real condition is, but by the look of things during interviews and twitter, he is heartbroken also. I think we need to come up with a plan to get Tori and Harry back together when you guys come to New York in 3 weeks.”

My mouth fell open. This is what we needed to devise a plan. By now I was sitting on the couch with the rest of the boys and I had put the call on speaker after she started talking about Tori. The boys were just in shock as I was.

“It’s like you read our minds. We have been trying to come up with a plan for the last couple of days now!” Liam exclaimed.

“Am I on speaker?” She asked us with a worry tone.

We all laughed indicating that she was.

After we died down she asked us an important question.

“Will you guys help me get the love birds back together?”

“Tell us when and where and we can make it happen.” I smirked at the rest of the guys.

Let’s do this poo.

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