Chapter 25

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I was super busy each weekend with sports and Homecoming. But here is an update!

Chapter 25

Tori’s POV

School finally ended and I was finally on my way home.

It seems like every day keeps getting slower and slower as the year progresses. Each day getting harder to deal with the pain that had started inside me, ever since the breakup.

Yes I am still depressed over it. Who wouldn’t be if you didn’t feel like you were good enough for a huge popstar that you fell in love with?

Hopefully Courtney will get my mind off Harry tonight when we go to the movies and dinner. I need a good night out away from my thoughts.

I laid on the couch and flipped through the TV as my eyes started to shut.

A little nap might be good for me.

And soon I was sound asleep.

Harry’s POV

I can’t believe I get to see Tori today.

I mean I originally was suppose to be with Tori this whole weekend, but knowing I actually will see her, makes me the happiest man on the Earth.

I went over everything I needed to do tonight in my head one last time till I made my way down to the lobby to meet the other boys.

I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love these boys. They are my brothers, family, friends, and much more. I can’t even tell you how grateful and honored I am to have them in my life.

With the biggest smile on my face, I walked towards the boys.

Zayn’s POV

I looked towards the elevators to see Harry walking towards us with the biggest smile on his face.

Atta Boy!

“There is my happy Harry!” Louis screamed.

We all smiled widely as Harry laughed at Louis’s comment.

Tonight’s gunna be a good good night.

Courtney’s POV

There have been butterflies in my stomach all day. I am just so nervous for tonight. I want everything to go as planned. I want my best friend to be happy again.

I was on my way to pick up Tori and was blasting One Direction’s new CD.

Can’t wait to do this with Tori again.

Since the break up, we didn’t discuss anything One Direction related. Which was hard since that was usually ALL we talked about.

I pulled up to Tori’s driveway and jumped out. I made my way to her door and knocked.

No answer.

I knocked louder this time.

No answer again.

I found the spare key underneath a pot by the door and unlocked the door.

I closed the door behind me and walked towards the living room.

“TORI!” I yelled as I digged in my bag to find my phone. “Hurry up we are going to be late for the movie.”

As I was entering the living room, I looked up and gasped.

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