g-member pov.

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When we were in a classroom vandalizing everything I seen the desk that had little square stickers on it  that had zhang yixing's face on it. Me and another one of my members went to tell the boss who got that note just yesterday. I don't think he would want to hear about the girl who got him hit by that car would he. I don't know but it's best to give boss her name and show him the stickers that I saw just to see if it matches the one on the envelope.

Mark's  pov.

Well it was when I heard a bunch of noise outside my door a lot of laughs and giggles. I opened the room door and looked it was my gang members they were holding some stickers they looked like the one on the back of the envelope I got yesterday so I cleared my throat.UHUM!!!, who did you get those stickers from or let me say where did you get them from. That's when they jumped from surprise that I got up from the desk and they look up and said Kimsimbi Winters desk and I looked in disbelief this little weird girl sent me an senceir passage that went with the chain letter. I Want to SEE her anyways.

Authors Note
This is jae-love here!!! and I want you to tell me if this chapter was good or bad this is my 2nd chapter of my first book and so I guess I want you guyss to feel positive about my chapters in my book.i know this chapter was short but this is just the beginning.

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