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For the past few weeks Jah and I were busy he was getting ready for his release of his sad video and I moved my mom out finally she was ready to come to Florida.

"Rose how's my son in law?" She said
"Umm good we're good he's not my husband mom" I replied

"what!! your pregnant he damn near is shidddd yall live together ummm and besides I love him and I can dream shit yall playing house" she started laughing.

"oh lord ma' all that" I laughed with her

"I need to call Cleo, we're doing the baby shower"

"ohh yall are can I know what theme?"

"no, surprise nosey rosie " she said

they have been sneaking around behind my back going out and planning this babyshower which I think is too early but you cant tell two mothers that are excited to be glam Ma's. my mom and I talked on the phone for a little while and then we eventually got off the phone. I have so much to do for starters is getting this charity event off the ground for jahseh, I know this will be such a great thing for the community and for his image.

After spending hours on the phones with countless people trying to get them to donate but there was no luck as soon as I said who and what it was for they denied me the opportunity to even introduce our cause and reason. I felt defeated but I couldn't let my baby down.

"JAY WHERE YOU AT!!" I heard Jah yell from downstairs

"In the room!" I yelled back.

moments later I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and his cheerful face appeared in the doorway.

"hey beautiful" he said kissing me. 

"Hey babe" I smiled moving the laptop

"You have any luck" he asked sitting on the bed

"Unfortunately no, no one wants to donate a single item, I'm sorry babe" I said feeling my cheeks on my face get wet.

"Fuxk them will do it ourselves if I have to buy everything out of my pockets then so be it, come on babe" he said getting up reaching his hand out to me.

"Where are we going?" I asked getting up

"To Best Buy" he said smiling

I loved him so much he was very no extremely loyal to his people and who was loyal to him. And Jah did whatever he had to do to get the job done even if that meant going in his own pockets.

"If we're going to buy everything to donate it can we make a list I don't want to forget anything we need" I said putting on my slides.

"Of course" he said

"Laptops how many?" I started to ask

"At least five" he said


"Six of those, four TVs"

After 30 minutes we had damn near a grocery list. I grabbed my check book and wrote out a check for 60 grand and gave it to Jah.

"Babe here" I said as we walked to the van

"What's this for?" He asked

"A check for the foundation duhh" I said looking silly

He looked at the check and back at me "baby you know you don't have too" he said.

"I know but I want to, I believe in you and what your doing and I wanted to make the first donation to the Xxxtentacion foundation" I said smiling

Catfish (being revised for mistakes) Where stories live. Discover now