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"Can you set up the table over here" Cleo said to the party crew ..

I heard the moving around and the talking it woke me up out my sleep. Then I see Jahs face he was blowing up balloons while tank brought in groceries.

"Babe we're not having a big party are we?" I said walking into him wrapping my arms around him.

"You don't want a big party?" He said

"I want sleep, look at me babe I'm huge, my feet are swollen"

"You look beautiful" he said kissing my forehead

"Why are you so good to me?" He smiles looking at me. " just be here show your face then you can lay back down deal?"

"Ok deal"

"I bought you a dress to where today go get ready" he kissed my cheek slapping my ass just a little.

"Ok" I kissed him one more time before waddling back up stairs.. it was so much going on that I didn't care to have my birthday and a baby shower too . Which was our moms idea. I just wanted a simple dinner and Jah and I  cuddling and laying in the bed  me eating gummy bears and skittles off his chest. But noo we're having a big ass party.
I grabbed the bag off the bed inside it was a box it was a pretty pink dress with a note that Said

I have two things for you to decide from I know your not feeling this big party thing I wouldn't blame you but you and I will do anything to see our mothers happy. I hope you like it my love.
                          - Love Jahseh

I looked at the gift bag on the bed next to the box that had the pink dress in it. And there was an oversized shirt with maternity jeans. I instantly smiled. I put on the oversized-shirt and along with the pants. Next was time to do my hair.

After I got dressed and did my make up and hair I was ready to go and have fun with our family

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After I got dressed and did my make up and hair I was ready to go and have fun with our family.

Jahseh pov

"Tank where's the ring?" I asked getting nervous
"I put it in the cabinet in the kitchen behind the flour jar" he said
I walk in the kitchen and grab the box I was nervous as fuxk I never ever did anything like this. I didn't even know what I was supposed to do. Do a nigxa get on his knee how do I start it off I didn't think to far in all this.

 But I was going to make this night the best night of her life

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But I was going to make this night the best night of her life. I never thought that I'd want to be with someone for ever until now. I finished up the decorations with my mom and Jay, came downstairs smiling and smelling so good. I knew she would pick something that was more comfortable. She was beautiful and glowing.

"Thank you babe" she said hugging me

"Happy birthday" I whispered in her ear

Everyone started to arrive to our baby shower slash birthday party. We had at least 25 people in the house.

"So Jah you really bout to do vro?" Cooli said

"Yeah I am" I confessed

"Damn you giving up all this pussy to have one pussy for the rest of your life" Ski shook his head taking a sip of his beer.

"Who need a lot of pussy when you got good pussy take good pussy over a lot of it" I smiled

"True but i like variety nigxa" he joked

"Yeah we know you like it so much that your ass was on medicine for a week with chlamydia."I said

"Don't let Angie hear you" cooli and tank said laughing as she walked up.

"Jah your moms and Evelyn want you" someone came to get me.

I walked away from my boys to see what my mother wants and Evelyn. It was nice seeing everyone happy having a good time.

"Yes Mom" I said walking in the living room

"Jah are you ready?" My Mom asked

"Yeah, as much as I can be" I said

"Lemme see the ring" I reached in my pocket and handed it to her.

"You think she'll like it?" I asked

"Jah this is beautiful she'll love it" she said tearing up.
"You think so I was with Tank when I went to pick it out" I said looking at the box.

Once we sang happy birthday Jaylynn opened up her gifts and our babies gifts. I took upon myself to call everyone outside .

"HEY EVERYONE CAN I GET ALL YALL ATTENTION PLEASE!!" I said Loudly gaining everyone's attention along with jaylynn's. "Thank you everyone for coming out sharing this special time with us. I would like to say a few things to Jaylynn; everyone stopped and was looking at Jaylynn. "Jaylynn can you please come here".

"Jah what is this about?" She said looking nervous walking towards me.

"For the longest time I'd been down and out for most of my life, the way you and I met was very awkward but that didn't change how we interacted with one another, you showed me so much love grace and positivity I cannot thank you enough for all you do. I know life will throw more punches at us but I don't care I'll take all them as long as I know you'll have my back, Jaylynn Rose Perez will you be my wife" I said getting down on my knee. In front of all our family and friends.

She covered her month and at this point tears were in both our eyes. "Oh mah gawd babe yes" she cried holding her hand out as I placed the ring on her finger. I got off my knee and we embraced each other in a hug hearing loud cheering as we kissed.

POP POP!!!! Everyone jumped hearing the loud gunshots. We admittedly ducked down to the floor.
Until the shots stopped.

"EVERYONE GET INSIDE NOW!" Tank yelled holding gun running to the front ..

"Baby what's going on" Jaylynn said scared

"I dunno babe wait here" I said

"Babe no stay here" she cried out

"Go upstairs and wait for me I'll be back ima make sure everyone is ok" I said kissing her.

Will update soon .. hope you enjoyed share it comment and vote thanks s/o to all the new readers I see y'all in the comment y'all mad funny 😁 .

Thank you all for being there for me when I'm going through my issues battling everything I appreciate you guys so much .. also check out my other book .. Dear Jah letters

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