13- final. for now.

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All of the members stared at their hands, absorbing the silence and taking everything in. Namjoon was the most distressed; twisting and turning, fidgety. Almost like he knew that someone's eyes were on him. Almost like he could feel their pupils blow wide and their muscles tense. He knew someone was there, of course there had to be. Nothing else could describe the burn on the back of his head, almost like a warm digit pressed to his brain. He turned, disturbed from his trance only for his eyes to be met by Taehyung who wished nothing more than to just get up and run from the room. He was anxious. Even more so that the first time he played the game. But without reason. Kind of.

The first time that he had played, he had known that it was someone in the room. It was less tense in that sense, however the undeniable feel of guilt and pain washed over him once the game had ended. Even if he didn't do it. He knew the person that had, and they had also passed away during the game. It was known that the game passed onto the next. It was known for its deathly vibes and awkward relapses of rounds where words were not spoken, only blood was shed. It was known for its rise in suicide. Hell, it was even known for getting rid and done with unfinished business amongst gangsters and even the closest of friends. However, the motive was still unknown. The reason was blurry and unfathomed among those who had and even those who hadn't played the game.

The first time he played, he was victim. It was the second time that the game had ever been played and those who had played the game before him and his teammates, hadn't spoke up about what had happened. It was completely taboo to them to even think of telling a friend, a family member, a trusted person, never mind the media who would torment and tear at them. So, for Taehyung to have helped ripple the trend, he would only hope of his own death next. His guilt was tremendous. Even when he kissed that girl in year 3 and told the teacher that she was trying to come on to him, he didn't feel this guilty.

However, he felt worse, sitting in his own blood, not knowing this entity who had killed those dear to him. Those he loved, trusted and cared for. Two times this had happened to him and he was starting to conspire. He was starting to think that it wasn't as such someone in the room, but something. Namjoon, he had said he knew something bout this. Said he knew who it was. Said he could sense it. And at this point, Taehyung was ready to accept whoever Namjoon said and slice them with his bare hands. 

But he said nothing. Even when Taehyungs gaze pierced into his brain and through his skull, he payed no mind. He simply did not care to say who the perpetrator was, instead he just sat in silence and waited for someone else's words to fill the space, take up the particles, split them with vibrations in their shaky voice.

But it was eerie. It was silent. All that could be heard was the whirring of the computers disk. It plunged their ears, click, click, click. It banged against their eardrums. It hammered and pounded.

"Maybe its best if we leave the house for a bit, we can go get some fresh air, some coffee even? no?" Jimin asked, his hands trembling and shaking. But there was no response, just deadly stares, carving a dint into his ego.

"Jimin, I do not think you get this. Unknown, whoever the hell, will fucking kill us! He has no fucking mercy Jimin. Also its literally nearly 5am." Namjoon cried. It was almost impossible to even breathe in the same room as him right now. The tension strangled their throats and their limbs felt dull, heavy, numb almost. Of course, it wasn't Jimin's fault that Namjoon was being an asshole, but it was still making him feel guilty. It tore him down and cut his heart slowly, he sobbed and nodded, trying his best to keep the tears down. He and his best friends would be okay, right?

It wasn't like they weren't expecting any of this to happen, a choked tear, red eyes, all boys with puffy faces. And it hurt, to see all of your friends torn down and injured; some even dead. expensive.. the damn funerals and carpets. damn money that Yoongi really just doesn't have.

"You know what? Jimin, I'll go out with you. Let's go to Costa, I'll treat you to a hot chocolate.. we deserve to be treat, especially after today." Yoongi smiled, shoving his feet into his worn out converse, thick with mud and marker where he designed patterns on it, swirly and unique. Jimin stood up, legs quaking and wobbling ever-so-slightly beneath himself.


His stomach twisted and turned, swallowing itself whole; Yoongi and Jimin had been gone hours and there was no signs of them returning. But alas, the computer had turned off by itself, so clearly whoever was in the computer was gone, and it was after the two men had left the apartment. Either they ran, far from their troubles or something had happened and Taehyung didn't want to chance either.

Could it just be they went for a walk, that they haven't been the ones ruining Taehyung's life through a game on a computer screen. Or was it the opposite, had they been the ones behind the awful acts of crime going on for far longer than they should.

"Who do you think it is, Namjoon?" Taehyung asked carefully, trying not to hurt Namjoon or himself by saying this. He knew it would sting and honestly, it would probably leave scars forever. If that was even a thing. There was times where Tae pondered and thought to himself, careful in the act to not aggravate something inside of him. He wondered if it was worth it, if sitting in pools of his own silence and unanswered questions was worth it, whether it would be better to leave it in the deep end. He drowned himself and indulged himself with questions, answers, prayers, hoping secretly that in the end all would run smoothly. But he still held onto such dread and guilt. He brought this upon himself. And also his friends, too. They were dead and injured because of him and his foolish actions.

"Tae.. I can't say, things will uh.." he mumbled a few more incoherent words that Taehyung couldn't work out. But instead, Tae nodded, sighed in agreement and let the ground swallow him whole. And this time he was sure it would be what was craved for the longest of time.


The bells woke him up, chime, chime, chime. And he realised that all was the same. This wasn't some fucked up, twisted nightmare; this was reality. And Yoongi and Jimin still weren't back. And it was 10am. And everything was spinning. And there was a knock at the door. And the officers ask to take him to the station. And the officers say something, something he cant grasp, something his brain wont let him hear. It is pretentious, weak and cold, the word. Dead. And everything made sense. And uh-oh he was the only one alive. And uh-oh.

And uh-o|

And uh-|

And uh|

And u|


And all was silent.

And it was the day after Christmas when he rose, walked down the isle to the sound of his heart beat, thumping. And it was the day after Christmas he lay the caskets to rest.

And it was the day after Christmas that he found out everything.

And soon, he knew he had to change something in this world.

:-) :-) :-) :-)

MERRY CHRISTMAS SUNSHINES!!!!! IM SO SORRY THAT I HAVENT GOTTEN THIS CHAPTER TO YOU SOONER BUT I HAD TO TAKE BITS OUT, PUT BITS IN AND CHANGE A LOT OF THE MAIN BODY. I really hope you all have had?are having a wonderful and merry, merry Christmas. here is my gift to you. :-)

-Z x

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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