◇How it happened◇

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Your p.o.v

I am always happy when I'm with my friends, But whenever I'm with myself all I do is cry.

I usually go out with my friends and then come home and start sobbing. I'm  tired of my fake smiles and fake laughs every day so today I'm going to a therapist.

I was just about to leave when my big sister, hyuna was cooking and asked me where I was going.

"Oh well I'm going out with a friend "
I lied. I didn't want to tell her because I knew she would make a big deal about it.

"Oh...and who's this friend?" She replied knowing I wasn't going out with a friend.

"W-" I was just about to finish my sentence when our doorbell rang.

I went to go answer it and it was Taehyung, Jungkook, and Yoongi. To be honest I've had a crush on Yoongi
Since we met in 5th grade. I decided to cancel the therapy appointment because they wanted us to go out to a restaurant.

After a few drinks me and yoongi somehow ended up getting drunk. All I remember now is me and yoongi going into the same bedroom and getting naked.

I woke up next to yoongi naked, but he was too. I quickly got up and started putting on my clothes. Right when I was heading to the door I heard yoongi say "Did I at least use protection?" But that had me thinking. I said goodbye to yoongi and left his house.

The week quickly passed by and me and yoongi have been weird around each other. I was just about to go to the store this morning but I stayed home because I ended up throwing up last night's dinner, but I went to taco bell and ended up getting 8 tacos for myself.

Once I got home the guys(bts) and my sister were In the living room watching t.v. They saw my tacos they thought it was for them, so they started saying thanks for the tacos and started coming towards me.

"No.These are all mine." I said

Then out of nowhere hyuna said "Y/n i there something you need to tell us?"

That's when I started to think if I was pregnant.

Hope you enjoyed this bye😁

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