44 - Calum

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I fell in love with her. Hard. I love her like a Ferris wheel that makes you kinda sick to your stomach and kinda fucking terrified but look how pretty the lights in her eyes are, look how soft her hands are. She kept smiling at me with that damn beautiful smile and every time I tell a joke she laughs like daisy chains and I just love her.

But she wanted to take things slow, which I completely understood, so I had respect for that. I was going to be there when she was ready for this relationship, and until then kisses and handholding and awkward boners would be fine.

I liked being close to her, and hold her hand when we were out in public. Not like possession, but like partnership. She asked me about it once, the way my hands always seemed to find some place on the most innocent parts of her body and I just shrugged and answered I like the feeling of being close to her. She smiled the rest of the day.

From everyone in the band, my dating life sucked the most. Because it didn't really exist. I went on dates, I've had many one nights stands, but no one ever really stuck around. I couldn't help to compare my life to the other boys. Michael and Crystal had been dating for forever, Luke started dating Sierra a few months ago, and even though his dating-life before that was a total disaster, he did had a long-term relationship with she-who-must-not-be-named. Ashton was single at this moment but did have a good relationship with Bry before that. I had... no one.

And I had no clue how I ended up falling in love with Liz, it just happened. And now she was here, wearing only a bra and her underwear because Ashton Irwin decided to go swimming in my pool after dinner, even though no one brought a swimsuit. So we all just stripped to our underwear.

It was a good thing the water was cold.

"Chicken fight!" Michael yelled, diving underwater and taking Amy on his shoulders. We all turned into the most immature boys when it came to these stupid games. I quickly turned to Elizabeth, diving under her and grabbing her legs, helping her wrap them around me as I stood back up with her now sitting on my shoulders.

"Three, two, one, fight!" Ashton yelled as Liz and Amy started to try and push each other in the water again. I hold Liz's legs, hearing her laugh as she tried to grab Amy's wrist. After about one minute, Amy fell of Michael's shoulders and Liz cheered. I sank down in the water, letting her off my shoulders and turned to face her once I got back up.

"We're such a good team," she said and I smiled at her. "Hell yeah, we are!" I said, giving her a high five.

Now Amy was on Luke's shoulders, and Ashton took Michael on his, so Liz and I backed off to give them space. "Three, two, one, go!" I yelled and softly pulling Liz in front of me with her back facing me. I put my chin on her shoulder and looked at my idiotic friends having the time of their lives as I rested my hands on Liz's waist in the pool.

She was cheering for Amy and I couldn't help but laugh at how adorable she was.

Man, I was so in love with this girl.


next chapter is gonna be both really hot and really angsty hahahahah fuCk

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