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Okay so im not going to describe the whole rape scene because know.

Pheonix's P.O.V:

I woke up in a dark room. My lower half hurt so much. Oh no. I get up and as soon as  I did the door flew open. I jumped and turned. I then bit off there heads. I ran outside and smelled.

Ari were am.

Hun you at least 20 miles away from the prison.


Yes dear. Just use your smell.


Yes doll.

Why havent you been talking to me lately.

I felt like you havent needed me.

Thats the the Ari I fo need you.

I started running as fast as I could following the scent of Rick,Carl,and Lavona.

Rick smells like gunpowder.

Carl smells like the woods and gunpowder,a good combination.

Lavona smells like coconut,which I thought was really strange.


3 hours later.

I arrived at the prison and I heard gun shots. I ran in still in wolf form and saw that cell block D was over run. NO PATRICK. GOD DAMMIT TO THE MOTHER OF GOD. I got into the cell block and started pickup ng up children on my back and dropping them off at Karen. I saw a walkee about to get a little boy but before I reached if Glenn shot it and Karen grabbed the kid. When I saw all was done I morphed back and every body that was alive gave me a hug. "Ill tell you later." I said and Rick nodded. I ran out and Lavona,Carl,Maxi,Sam, Jewelry, and Skylar came out and hugged me. I was surprized that Carl hugged me. But I hugged them back. Just then my dad came behind me pulling me away. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!" "I DONT KNOW DAD DO YOU SERIOUSLY ASK THAT I got...........I dont even know what happened." I said the last part in a whisper. He looked down and hugged me tight. Rick then came out and said," Dont get.." He didnt get to finish because Carl plowed into him. "Dont get close to anybody thats been inside. And girls, sorry but....ummm......Patrick is dead." When he said those words Maxi,Sam,and Skylar fell to the ground silent crying. My dad was looking at mewith his "look." That look is dont cry. But I could nt help it. My emotions had been bottled up for way to long. I screamed as loud as I could and turned into my wolf. I jumped the gates and started tearing heads of walkers off screaming in my mind to were everybody could hear. Maxi looked scared out of her mind and Lavona was just sitting there with a look on her face and tears still going down it. Carl was wide eyed and my Dad looked like he couldnt care less. "WHY WHY WHY WHY NOOO Ugh why.!" I calmed down and lept over the fence, transformed back, and fell on my back tears of pain going down my face. I felt the blood in and on my face. "WHYY HE WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO UNDERSTOOD MEEE!" I yelled. Lavona,  Maxi, Sam, Skylar, and Jewelry looked at me weird. I was now mad. Really mad. I grabbed a knife out of my dad's belt and started throwing it on the ground handle up and picking it up rhen throwing it back down. I did this until my dad came over and took it away. I stood up and grabbed my gal's and Carl's arms and took them into our cell. "Okay listen up Im pretty sure umm.....I got raped I don't know though." Carl almost got up but I grabbed (haha grabbed) his waist and brought him back down. Lavona was in deep thought. "Why did you say that Pat understood you better?" "He just knew me better." I stated. They all nodded. "Ari talked again." "REALLY!" Jewelry said. "Mhmm she said that she wasnt talking because she though I didnt need er." I stated everyone but Carl nodded. He had a weird look on. "OH Ari us my inner self, my wolf." He nodded. "Well goodnight." I said and climbed into bed. Lavona and Sky share a cell now. Soooo ya. Its boring sometimes but ya.

YESS FINALY.!!!!!!!!! Have any of you heard Bang Bang by: Ariana Grande, Jessie J, and Nicki Minaj. BEST thing ever. Well any way.......BYE LOVES. STAY BEAUTIFUL.

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