CH 1

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Hi there reader chan/kun. How are you. Whell I have a new story. I am taking some ideas form ousters possibly. So have fun reading. 

      Pov Y/N:
Y/n: dam I hate Mondays. better go start to train.

Time skip

Y/n: 98, 99, 100 and thats 100 puspups, situps and squats.
*look at time*

Y/n: 6:45. Crap I need to get ready for school.

Time skip

As I walk to class I  noticed that it was all the same old crap that aways happens. I got to class and I see Issei get punch in the face by his two peverted friends.I walked up to the to
Punch them in the face ane picked up issei.

Y/N: what the fuck you two. Why the hell are you two hitting him.

Pervert 1: well....

Pervert 2: he was walking with rias to school to day.

I gave issei a highfive and punch both of them in the face again. I walked to my desk and sat down and stared out the widow then class stared.

Time skip end of the s school day

Y/n:hay you want to hang out later.

Issei: no I got club stuff

Y/n: ok

I went to the park ware I sat on the swings and swag back and fourth unitedil I was interrupted by the voice in my head.

????:Hello partner why are you heare of all place and not home doing your homework.

Y/n: hay Scorpio. I got it done earlier and I want to just sit in the pease of the park.

Scorpio: you shoud get home before...

He was cut of by a fallen angle.

fallen: well well if it is a devil. 

Y/n: what the hell do you want.

Fallen:vi was told to find a boy with (y/ec) (y/hc) and had a school uniform on that has demonic energy radiating from him. 

Y/N: well i guess you going to try and kill me.

Fallen: yes now die.

he formed a spear of lithe and throw it at the spare came at me I i activated my sacred gear.

Y/N: scorpions gear

than i cot the spare before it hit my face. than i ran at the fallen one and activated claw mod and cut of his hand.

Fallen: how 

Y/N it called the scorpions gear

fallen: that means your the black scorpion emperor.

Y/N: yep

and then he tryed to run away but i jumped up and cut his head off.

Y/N: what a shame.

  Scorpio: we shoud go home now.

Y/N: ya


highschool dxd x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now