Ch 2

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Hello it me again and what more than one chapter? Hell must of frozen over. Any way lets get back to the crap story that I am doing until I forget about it or stop caring.

Y/n pov

*The alam stars to go off*

Y/n: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawaaaaa

Y/n:I hate the moring. Better go train.

Time skip after the same routine.

Y/n: I think I will go through the park to day.

Time skip to the park.


All of a I see a nun on the ground.  So I went to help her up.

Y/n: hi there my name is (y/n).

Aisa: hi my name is aisa I new I was trying to get some whare and I fell.

Y/n: so whare are you going.

Aisa: to the church.

Y/n: oh. Well I can take you there.

Aisa: that would be appreciated thank you.

Y/n: sure.

All of a sudden we here a boy crying and Aisa goes over and heals the boy.

Y/n:  *wisper* so she has Twilight healing

Aisa: ok lets go.

Time skip

Y/n: ok see you later.

Aisa: are you sure uou don't wat to come in for tea.

I felt fallen in the area.

Y/n: no I got to school but here.

*hands here paper with your phone number*

Y/n: bye

Aisa: bye

Time skip to lunch.

I was siting with issei.

Y/n: so whats up my dude.

Issei: nothing much but the same old same old.

Y/n: you got club stuff later.

Issei: ya. Maybe next time we can hang out.

Y/n: ya. Maybe I wll stop by to see wats up.

Issei: I dont think you should.My president would you be okay with it.

Y/n: what ever I will see you later.

Issei: see you later dude.

Time skip to end of day at the entrance orc room.

*opens door*

Y/n: Hi there.

Rias: hi there I am rias and this is the Occult research club I an rias.

Y/n: I got to say gremory this is a good cover for a peerage.

Everybody in the room was surprised.
Rias: how did you know.

Y/n: I am a devil.

Everybody was now evan more shocked.

Y/n:Well half.

Rias: well than what bring you here.

Y/n: I came to see the club that Issei keep going to and blowing me of all the time for. Now I understand goo d bye.

Rias: do you mind stauing an possibly help out your friend get a packet.

Y/n: sure let go.

Issei: ok whare is it.

Time skip to house

Y/n: go on

Issei: ok

Issei: helo house of gromery. The devil
You ordered.

Then the door opend and we walked in. Then we feel our devil senses kicking on.

Issei: wat was that.

Y/n: ower devil senses warning us of something.

We walk fowerd and see blod than see a crazy Exorcist.

Fred: well well the devils finally arrived. I am fred and I am the on going to end you.

Y/n: ok I think you got this all wrong we are going to kill you if you try to kill us key word try.

Fred: I will fuck kill you.

He runs at us and with his sword and gun. We got our sacred gears ready. He shot two bullets at us. I activated claw mode and cut it in half. Whell on the other hand Issei got shot in the lag. I look over a nd face pam and thne he get shot in the lag again and I got shot not paying attention. Then I saw.

Y/n: Aisa......

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