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Y/N pov

i said hello to my spanish teacher as i walked in, then headed to my seat. 

the bell rung about 2 minutes after and i was all settled in, adding more detail to this drawing of mine. "hey, i got a schedule change." says a voice. i don't bother to look up and continue my drawing. 

"alright, sit next to Y/N, the girl with glasses and bun." 

wait, that's me. 


i refuse to look up, but eventually do when the mysterious person sits in the empty seat next to mine. "hey partner." he says as i look up to meet his eyes. "noah schnapp." he greets with his hand out.

finns friend

i accept his shake, "Y-Y/N." i stutter

why do i keep stuttering, calm down you anti-social brat.

he smiles and i look up at the teacher, as she begins the lesson for today. 


finally, the end of the school day.


i got held back after 6th, as i was asking about extra credit.

shit, i missed my bus. 

i really need to learn how to drive. 

home is about an hour walk, yay.

i sigh already worn out from the day, and begin my journey home. 

there's a car following me.

i turn and this person rolls their window down. "need a ride?" 

it's noah

"um, i j-just, uh, p-please." i stutter out.

he gives a small laugh and moves his head as to tell me 'come in'. i hop in the car quickly after. 

"where to?" he ask

"mirkwood" i answer. he begins to drive off, and not soon after, start talking.

"that's a pretty far distance there, do you walk everyday?"

"no, i usually take the city bus, since i don't know how to drive and i gave up skating." i say

"woah- woah, you've skated?" he ask intrigued.

"yeah, since i was about six."

"that's dope, i can't skate for shit."

i giggle

"c-can i ask you something?," i say. he nods as a gesture for me to continue," why are you being nice to me?" i ask truthfully as i never get spoken to by anyone, especially a popular kid.

"now since we are spanish partners, i thought that it would just be the appropriate thing to do."

little did i know..

"oh, sorry if that was a-a weird q-question." i say and cover my face with my sweater sleeves. 

"it's all good, Y/N."

"up ahead, light blue house." i say as we are approaching my house.

"woah, your house is nice, and huge." he says stopping in front of it. 

"thanks, and thanks for the ride. could i do anything to, i guess, 'repay you?"  i say as i pull a strand of my H/C hair behind my ear. 

"don't worry about it, see you tomorrow." he smiles and begins to drive off as i give a small wave.

ugh half an hour late

"mom. i'm ho-"

"who was that?" she says as i enter our home.

"oh, he's my new partner in spanish class. i missed my bus and he offered to give me a ride." 

"oh, how sweet of him. now, go off and finish your schoolwork, we're having your favorite pasta." i nod and make my way to my room. 

(slight trigger warning) 

oh my, tomorrow is october 1st. i think to myself super excited. i wonder what i should be this year.

i talk to myself but soon after wince after i accidentally rolled on my arm. 

shit. ow. 

i rush to the bathroom and quickly clean up the blood coming from the fresh cuts.

you idiot. 

i was so excited thinking about halloween, i forgot these cuts were still open. 

i clean up the wombs, and wrap a fresh bandage around my left arm. 

okay, it's okay. now you can sleep.

goodnight, Y/N. 

i say to myself, as i slowly shut my eyes, to be embraced by a deep slumber. 


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