this is still a dare.. remember?

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"woah! you guys have a gaming and theater room!?" finn says causing me to giggle.

i join him in my gaming room.

"i did not take you as the gaming type." he states while looking through my games.

"y-yeah, i l-love them. i o-occasionally go on twitch and s-stream-"

"no way"

"yeah w-way." i laugh

"that is so cool, i never have met a girl gamer. you're full of surprises, Y/N."

i blush

i quickly hide it and head back out to the kitchen.

"y-you want a snack or something?"

"may i have a water bottle?" he ask so polite.

"k-knock yourself o-out."

he smiles and takes one from the pantry.

"so where are your parents?" he ask.

"oh, m-my mom is on a b-business trip."

"oh, so uh, is your dad out of the picture"

i nod, holding back tears.

he notices

"i-im sorry, Y/N" he says

he hesitates, but eventually comes to my side and side-hugs me.

"common lets go to the skate park and enjoy the rest of today."

i nod in agreement and start to head to the door. 

he heads out to the car as i lock the house, but grab his hat before doing so and proceed to head to his rather nice looking car. 


we make it to the park, it was empty

i sigh in relief

"everything okay?" finn ask

"yeah, i am just happy no one is here because i was always shy skating in front of so many.. well, good skaters."

"hey, you're an amazing skater, so don't doubt yourself.' he smiles and i smile back

his phone begins to ring

"i'll be back, gotta take this." 

i nod and go to the rails and start to wax them.

Finns POV

"hey, what's up?" 

"where are you, why'd you cancel on gaming day?" caleb says from the other line.

shit, i forgot to tell them

"oh-uh i'm with Y/N." i clear my throat.

The Freak?! (Finn x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now