Chapter one

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Ayame's P.O.V

Hello my name is Ayame Marie Purdy, I live with my father Ashley Purdy. Before you ask yes my dad is the famous Ashley Purdy from Black Veil Brides. People always freak out when they find out that I'm his daughter.

Then they start asking me what seems like a million questions about him and the band like: Would you give Andy my number, what's it like living with Black Veil Brides ( for the record we don't all live together, we live in separate houses not far from each other) Do you think I could meet them or ( my favorite, not really) Why did Ashley adopt a girl like you? Then that's when the questions and comments become about me, luckily my friend Logan Woods gets them to shut up and leave me alone. People always do a double take when they look at him because he looks like Chris Motionless but younger.

Anyways on a more positive note we are in a band called Hell's Empire with three other people. It's me the lead singer, Logan on bass, Daisy Jones on guitar, Iris Jones our back up singer and Phoenix Woods on drums. We do covers of songs and have played at Warped Tour twice.

Speaking of which we are on our way to Andy's house to head over to Warped Tour. We are sharing a bus with the guys because our bus is being repaired right now and there are pleanty of bunks for both bands.

We arrive at the house and we all get out of Phoenix's car.

"Ayame," I hear someone call. I look to my left and I see Andy over by the tour bus waving at me.

I walk over to him, when I get over to him he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. He starts running with me bouncing off his back to the house. When he puts me down he kisses my forehead "Happy Birthday Ayame," he says. I look up at him and say "Thank you Andy."

I look around the living room for the others, I dont find them. I go to the kitchen hoping they are in there but nope its empty. I go back to the living room to ask Andy where the others are but he is gone too. I go to the front door to see if he went out for a cigarette. He is not their and neither is my band, where the hell did everyone go.

I head over to the tour bus and open the door, I notice it's dark so I flip on the light. "SURPRISE!" Everyone yells. I'm a little surprised at first then I smile at everyone. "Guys you didn't have to do this for me," I say. Jinxx walks over to me and hugs me. " Non sense, you deserve this Ayame, it's your eighteenth birthday," Jinxx says. " Was this your idea Ferguson," I ask while poking him. He smiles and says " Nope it was your dad's idea, he got your band in on it, speaking of which here they come now." Jinxx gives me another hug and then leaves to go talk to Jake.

My band comes over to me and crush me in a group hug. "So you guys have known about this the whole time," I say. They all look at me, "Yeah we have, you aren't mad at us are you?" Daisy asks. I laugh and say " Why would I be mad at you guys? I love the party." They laugh and we start talking about what songs we are going to sing for Warped Tour.

I start looking around for Ash but I can't find him anywhere. Logan looks at me, grabs my arm and pulls me away from the group. "What's the matter Ayame," he asks. "Nothing I just dont know where Ash is and I'm worried," I say. He laughs "Go ask Andy, he might know where your dad is," he says. I hug him and say " Thanks Logan."

I walk over to Andy, he is turned around so I decide to loudly say "Look over there its batman." He whips around and looks from side to side. "What, where is he," Andy says. I grin and start laughing. He looks down at me confused and then starts to smile. "Very funny Ayame, you got me," he says. "Yeah I did you totally fell for it," I say and then start laughing again.

After a little bit he starts laughing with me. "You should have seen your face you looked like a little kid meeting his hero," I say. We both eventually stop laughing and Andy asks "So what are you up to?" I look up at him "Nothing really, oh wait , have you seen Ash I haven't seen him anywhere," I say. He gets a mischievous glint in his eyes and smiles. "Maybe I have maybe I haven't, I can tell you but it will cost you," Andy says.

I think it over for a moment and then say "Alright Biersack, what do you want," I say. He grins even bigger " I want a kiss...... on the cheek," he says. Phew for a minute there I thought he was going to say lips but he didn't. "Alright I can do that," I say. He bends down some and I stand up on my tiptoes and I kiss his cheek. "Alright you got what you want Biersack, now tell me where my dad is," I say. Andy straightens and then says " He went inside the house, something about having a surprise for you." I hug Andy and he hugs me back. "Thanks Andy," I say. "Your welcome Aya," he replies.

I let go of him, then I get off the bus and head to the house. I open the door and I see Ash sitting on the couch talking to...... no way I can't believe it. I shut the door, they both look in my direction at me and get up from the couch. Ash says " Ayame this is Maria Brink, I invited her over because I remembered that her band was one of your favorites."

I run over to him and hug him "Thank you, thank you, thank you, this is the best," I tell him. He laughs and says " No problem Aya, I wanted you to have a great eighteenth birthday." I pull away from Ashley and I turn to face Maria. Wow, I can't believe that the lead singer of In This Moment is standing right in front of me.

Maria takes my arm and pulls me in for a hug. "Happy Birthday Ayame," she says. I hug her back saying " This is the best birthday ever, I dont want it to end." Maria pulls away from me and sits me down on the couch next to her. We start talking about different bands I listen to and she let's me know if she has met them or knows them.

After a while Ash joins the conversation " Hey dad is Chris and the guys gonna be playing at Warped?" I ask. "Yeah him and the guys are going to be there," he replies. Maria then tells us about how much fun it was to have Chris in her music video 'whore'.

When Maria finishes the story Ash gets up and says "We should get back to the party, people are probably wondering what's taking us so long." I get up and look at Maria " You coming with us back to the party?" I ask her.

She gets up and hugs me, when she pulls away she says " I would love to but I have to go cause my band is playing at warped also."
"Well it was nice to meet you in person," I say. She was waking to the door and as I said that to her she turned around and looked at me.

"You are a unique and amazing person Ayame, dont let anyone steal your flame," she says. I smile at what she said because that last part is what Andy has told me before. I smile at her and say " I promise I won't let them get the chance." She smiles back then turns around and leaves. Ash and I follow and head to the bus.

Andy's P.O.V

Man why did I have Ayame do that? Now she's gonna know that I like her. I sit on the couch arguing with myself for five minutes when I feel someone sit on the couch next to me I look to see who it is and its Cc, he is looking at me with worry.

"What's bothering you Andy?" He asks. I sigh and run my hand through my hair "I was messing with her and I told Ayame that the only way I would tell her where Ashley was, was if she kissed me on the cheek," I explain. "And now you think that she knows that you like her," CC says. I nod my head yes and he says "Well why dont you tell her about how you feel, instead of worrying that she will find out about your feelings for her."

I think about it for a moment. "Dont you think it's a little early for me to be doing that, I'm still upset about what Juliet did to me," I say. Cc looks at me with anger in his eyes "Andy, Juliet was not worth it and I tried telling you, she showed her true colors when she cheated on you. Ayame would never do that she had to she Ash go through a lot of girls , I'm positive she is not going to do the same to you," he says.

I nod my head and say "Yeah, your right she would never do that to someone she is not that type of person, I'll think about it. Cc nods his head in approval and says " Don't think about it for to long or she might get taken away from you by someone else." Cc pats my shoulder, gets up from the couch and leaves me to my thoughts. Just when I'm about to get up the door opens and Ayame walks in with Ashley.


Hey guys its me vi I just wanted to let you guys know that I dont hate juliet it's just how I have her in the story. So don't come hating on me for how i have her part in the story.
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