Zombies Part 1

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^^^Mads, I feel ya man. I have a cold rn too (hmph this isn't new I've had a cold on and off for months) and anyway it feels horrible.

Yo yo yo yep it's zombies. I became low-key obsessed with zombies and wanted to write a story, but I have no ideas, so now it's a weird AU thing.

Got one of the ideas from https://archiveofourown.org/works/9708923/chapters/21904160, an amazing fanfic btw. 

But the general plot, well, I got that from when I played Zombie Tag with some of my... friends? Nice acquaintances? It was great. It was also in the dark and I got muddy and I fell into a creek because it was too dark.

Also, the zombies are called "growlers."

Anyway, this is James and Thomas and the ship has sailed.

Warnings: Uh, there's mention of a gun for like... a sentence. So... idk.

I'm running and running, Thomas beside me. Growlers are on our heels. This is the end. Thomas looks back at me and I see a cruel light glint in his eyes. With that, he shoves me backward and bursts ahead. No. Growlers are immediately upon me. Arms, legs, blood, pain. The pain doesn't let up, and I know it won't, not until I'm gone. Thomas was supposed to protect me.

"Jemmy!" someone hisses, shaking me awake. I open my eyes and see Thomas bending over me. "You were screaming, so I had to wake you up," he says, with an apologetic grimace. Sleep is precious and I know he feels horrible that he jolted me out of it.

His words sink into my brain and we share a wide-eyed look. We have to leave. If I was screaming, that means the growlers will be here in maybe five or ten minutes. If we're lucky. And one thing you learn fast is that you never trust luck.

In unison, we begin to shove our supplies into bags, racing against time itself. We somehow manage to be fully packed in two minutes. Just in the nick of time. Thomas presses his lips to my forehead and takes my hand. "We'll be fine, and once we're safe, I've got a surprise for you." So stay alive until then.

The growls start, still in the distance but coming closer. I glance out the cracked window of this warehouse we were sheltering in and give Thomas a kiss in return. This could be the end, finally. This could be the last time we can run, so I need to make the most of it. We slip out the door and starts running.

We're crunching the leaves beneath our feet, and every step sounds like a booming cannon, but the wind is matching our volume and covering our tracks. Thomas keeps looking back and urging me forward. I know that without him, I would have been a goner a long time ago. But I still can't get the image of that nightmare out of my head.

As luck would have it, I trip over a stump and fall to my knees, silently cursing myself and my own clumsiness. Thomas stops on a dime and runs back to me, fear flashing in his eyes. "James, you okay?"

I wince when I try to stand up and collapse back to the ground. It's just a twisted ankle, and it'll heal well enough in a day or two, but we don't have that sort of time. "I-I can't. Just go. You'll be fine," I say quietly to Thomas, who shakes his head and sets his face determinedly.

"No sirree. You're staying with me." With that, he picks me up in his strong arms, but they're not going to be strong enough. He stumbles forward still holding me, but as the growls get louder and closer, we have to admit that this isn't going to work.

I can only see one way for either of us to make it out alive, and let's face it, the one who does will be Thomas.

"T-Tommy..." I start, but he shushes me. "No. I'm not leaving you. We'll... we'll hide." He knows full well that the odds of survival are horrendously low when you hide. But I can't talk reason into him, not when he's determined like this. Nothing could stop him now.

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