Smol In Fall Part 2 (aka: James Will Never Be Satisfied)

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That afternoon, snack time is a chaotic occurrence, even more than usual. The kids do have a wedding to celebrate, obviously!

Alex, Thomas, and John, the lucky newlyweds, are sitting atop the central table, with the rest of the class clustered around them. Apple juice boxes and Oreos are being readily consumed, and the mood is jovial. Everyone is happy, except James.

The small boy pulls his sweater closer around himself and sinks down lower in his seat. There's too much loud noise for his liking, and plus, it's all to celebrate the 'marrying' of his best friend/secret crush. Overall, an unpleasant time.

"Aye! Jimmy James! Do ya wanna give a best man speech?" Thomas shouts from his perch on the table. He knows full well that James does not want to, but that he will, since Thomas asked.

James smiles nervously and stands up, cursing the fact that he doesn't have the flu. Because if he did, he wouldn't have to be here. Dang those flu vaccinations.

"Al-alright... y-yeah... I can do that," he says quietly, climbing up and standing on his chair. He's never actually been to a wedding, so he has no idea what he's supposed to say. Maybe starting with congratulations or something would be good.

"So... uh... good job... y'all," James stumbles out slowly. "I think you're supposed to make toast, so does anyone have bread?"

Mr. Washington, who, until this point, was just sitting at his desk trying to ignore the shenanigans, starts laughing hysterically and everyone quickly glances over. "No, no, ignore me, pay attention to James," he says between laughs.

Everyone does so and the little sick boy reddens. "Yeah... toast... uh..." Next step, blatant statement of facts. "Thomas, John, and Alex got married, and also Georgieisabigbuttholeandnoonelikeshimatall." This gets a laugh from most of the kids, and a glare from Georgie and his two-person posse.

James gives a slight smile and stares down at his Velcro sneakers. "I wish you the best of luck with your marrying and I hope you are happy."

Thomas grins at his little friend, silently cheering him on. Oh, if only he knew, he's part of the problem.

(forgive me if the tense is messed up for this flashbacks bit)

James could remember the first time he saw Thomas. It was at Open House for the preschool and his mommy was hurrying him along so that they could get back out to the car and go grocery shopping.

W-8, Washington's room, was surprisingly full. For whatever reason, Mrs. Madison decided to send James in alone, which was a bad decision on her part.

James edges his way through the crowd, sticking to the wall. Working his way to the cubby labeled as his, he keeps his eyes down. Probably he shouldn't make friends. His dad might be mad if he takes too long.

Then the most AMAZING boy walks over to the cubby next to his, and James can't believe his luck. The boy is... really pretty. Like, the way James' mommy says he is and he doesn't think she's telling the truth.

But wait. James' dad said that boys can't be pretty. Only girls. So... maybe this boy could actually be a girl? Then he could be pretty.

"Hey, you. Yep, you. I'm talkin' to ya," the boy says, waving a hand in James' face. James jumps backwards a few steps and smiles sheepishly. The boy laughs. "I'm Thomas. Hi."

James stares blankly. Crap. He forgot his name again. Uh... John? Jack? Joe? George? Something.

Thomas nods impatiently at the smaller boy. "I'm Thooooomas, who are yoooooooou?"

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