Dominant & Submissive

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Being dominant in the wizarding world is quite normal. Especially if you are from a pureblood family as it's in their genes, that you could be dominant or submissive. Usually, the dominant gene comes from the man and passes on to his sons while the submissive genes come from the woman and pass onto her daughters.

Being a dominant brings lots of responsibility especially if their mate or mates are submissive. They are the protectors of their family and the ones who brings home the bacon as they say. They also have an important responsibility to their mate if the submissive wants to be intimate with them they can't deny them or they'll become depressed. If the submissive asks them to do something they have to comply. Basically the dominant can't say no to their submissive. It is shocking if the sons of pureblood families aren't dominant back in the old times if your son wasn't a dominant they would be disowned of the family name and thrown on the streets as it was a disgrace to the family and brought shame upon them. If a dominant cheats the submissive will feel a sharp pain in the chest telling them that the bond has broken. Usually the submissive would become depressed and then kill themselves it's rare for a submissive to move on and find another mate but some do and they start a family which creates another pureblood family (example the Potter family and how it started, will be told in another chapter).

Being submissive gives you more privileges than others especially in the wizarding world. Submissives are always girls but there can be cases of boys being submissive they are usually small and famine and take after there mothers. They are treated like royalty in pureblood families and outside. If they have creature blood in them as well they are treated even more better than regular submissives.

Like Dominants, submissives also have roles to live by they are the mother hens of the family, they give birth to the next generation in the family. Submissives are very gentle, humble, passive and obedient but that's only when they find there mate/mates or if they are in company of a dominant. Usually the family of a submissive would wed them off to another pureblood family to create a powerful pureblood family in the future. Submissives get wedding offers all the time from the wizarding world if they haven't found their mate/mates by 16. The submissive gene are usually in girls but if a boy is submissive that makes them rare as they can produce offspring naturally like a woman can and not harm them or the child. If a submissive hasn't found their mate by 15 to 16 they will find comfort in another dominant till they do, they will be intimate with each other because the submissive will go through regular heats when they turn 15, they won't be able to sleep together because the dominant that's not the mate will feel a slight pain in their head if they try to sleep with them if they aren't mates but they can do other things only if the submissive wants it and then they won't be able to decline because the submissive will become depressed if they do. So until the submissive mate or mates arrive the dominant already there will protect the submissive and do everything a dominant does to their mate except sleep with the submissive because they will become ill and die if the dominant forces him self upon them.

Being neutral in the wizarding world is basically being a normal wizard. There is never a pureblood family with one of them being neutral that only happens if they are disowned and stripped of there titles and powers. Also if you are muggleborn you are a neutral even if you marry into a pureblood family you will still be considered neutral and sometimes looked down upon depends on what pureblood family you are married into. Also neutrals don't have creature blood in them. Purebloods look down on them because there is nothing special about them to purebloods they are like non-magic folk or muggleborns. Half-bloods are a bit different as one parent is a pureblood so they might of passed on the gene to there child, 1 in 5 get their gene if they are from a half-blood family and it's usually the girl who becomes the submissive (or Harry) they will still get treated like a regular submissive but if they also have creature blood in them then they are basically royalty. (still Harry)

Did you like it? I hope you did, just a bit of information on Dom and Sub and the meaning for it. Didn't want you to get confused so I wrote this anyway let me know if you like it or if you want me to add anything to it.

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