Chapter 4: Conceding

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"Do you love me?" asked Denis through tears.

"Of course!" Alex responded.

"As a friend?" he hoped for a no. Alex didn't respond.

Time skip: 30 minutes

Sitting in the bathroom floor for almost 30 minutes, Alex knew he had to say something. Denis was quiet now and he knew it was his turn. He had to help.

"No." he responded, though it was so long after.

"What?" Denis was actually confused.

"I don't like you as a friend."

"More?" he was saying very little, hoping he wasn't going to say less.

"Yes. I love you."

"Do you really?" Denis faced him, a hint of happiness in his face. Alex nodded. Denis smiled.

Then, he leaned in. Putting an arm around him, Alex placed his lips on Denis'.

When he broke free, he whispered, "I've loved you, all this time."

"That makes me so happy," he was speechless. "Because I have, too. And, sorry I haven't stood up for you in pals videos..."

"Its okay." Alex smiled.

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