Chapter 2 One idea, One light bulb, One switch

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It's another day in school. I walk into the hallway and the first thing I see is my friend max frantically flipping through the pages of his notebook. He is 6 foot 2, have black hair and brown eyes, and is the school's best lacrosse player. Meanwhile, i'm a 5 foot 4 nerd with blond hair and blue eyes. I always wishes to be as tall as he is.

'Im freaking out.' max said

'Yeah, I can see that.' I said

'This is serious, im gonna fail this history test.'

'Did you study.'

'No, I had practice.'

'I can take it for you.'

'What do you mean.'

Why did I just say that? I can't actually take the test for him. Then I realized something. The rings are still sitting in my backpack. 'Come with me.' I said. And we snuck into an abandoned supply closet.

I pull the rings out of the backpack. 'What i'm about to show you don't leave this room. Be quiet and watch this.' I put on the first ring and thought about max. In a few seconds, my hands started to get bigger and i grew a foot. My long blond hair changed to short black hair and my clothing changed to his lacrosse jacket, a white t shirt, jeans and white sneakers. He just stand there, stunned by what he's seeing.

I take the second ring and put on his finger. I watch as he quickly changes into a replica of me. He looks down and sees that he's shorter and wearing my clothing. And he seems even more confused than he probably was.

'Samantha?' max said puzzled

'Yep thats me.' I replied

'This is so awesome. Wow, its so weird talking and hearing your voice coming out.'

'The feelings mutual. I never used these rings by the way. I know what they did and how it works but I never tried them.'

'Really, well these are cool.'

'Thanks, alright so here's plan. You go to my study and pretend to be me. I go to take your test and pretend to be you. We meet hear at the end of class and go from here.'

'Ok, good luck on test max.'

'Thanks samantha.'

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