Chapter 3 Impression time

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I walk out of the closet. I see max as me walking to my study. It's so weird seeing myself walking around the hallway, especially knowing that someone else is pretending to me. These rings actually did what it's supposed to do. I was walking to his class when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn to see max's girlfriend.

'Hey you.' she said

'Um hi.' I responded

'Are we still on for that movie friday night.'

'Yes we are.'

'Great see you at 6, max.'

Then she kissed me on the lips

Did that just happen. Did max's girlfriend kissed me. To be fair, she thought I was max but still. Anyway, I decide not to think about it. Instead, I ran to his class and quickly sit down at a desk. The teacher hands out the test. History is my best subject so this should be easy.

30 minutes went by and I finished the test. I double check my answers and made sure I put max's name instead of my name. I hand in the test and ask the teacher to go to the bathroom. Once he said yes, I walked to the mens bathroom.

I stared in the mirror and max's reflection is in the mirror. I feel his hands and they are bigger and hairier than mine. These rings are amazing. This disguise is so realistic. It feels like I'm actually max. I sniff his shirt and it smells like axe and sweat. Even I smell like him. I can't wait to try these out even more.

I wonder how he's doing. If he's feels the same way about these rings as I do. I walk back to class.

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