Early morning mishaps

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(Reader tends to wake up early. Clint doesn't know that)(e/c) -eye color)


(Y/n) was going through his closet, searching for one of his hoodies to put on. Not finding any hanging up, he looked at the pile that was on the floor.

He rubbed his (e/c) eyes before picking one up and sniffing it a bit, trying to determine how dirty it was before slipping it on.

"Clean enough. Can just wash the others now."
He muttered and picked up the pile, heading out of his room and towards the laundry.

It was currently 4:15 am and still pitch black outside. Not even Clint would be awake at this time. He usually woke up around 6.

(Y/n) didn't always wake up so early, but spending so many times traveling around the world for missions and such had just messed up his internal clock.

Always got tired around 9:45 and woke up at exactly 4:15, every day.

(Y/n) face planted against the pile of hoodies in his arms, hearing a soft thud. He groaned and looked down at the floor to see that a hoodie had fallen.

"...well then that one's missing the load."
He stated and kept going. He wouldn't risk trying to pick it up. First one falls, then another would fall trying to get the first, and so on the chain would go repeatedly until they all fell.

What was one hoodie on the floor? This house was a bit of a mess anyway. One hoodie in the hallway was nothing compared to the catastrophe of the living room. As long as he picked it later up it would be fine.

Upon getting to the laundry room,     (y/n) managed to get the door open without dropping any of his hoodies.
He dumped the pile of them into the washing machine and turned to the cabinet on the opposite wall, opening it to get the laundry detergent.

Getting the bottle, (y/n) turned back to put it in only to hit his toe on the washing machine with a loud thud.

(Y/n) bit his lip hard and inhaled sharply, gripping onto the side of the washer.

"God damn!."
He shouted and put his closed fist in front of his mouth for a few seconds to silence himself.

He muttered again before unscrewing the detergent cap and poured some in, closing the washer a little roughly and started it.

(Y/n) reached a hand over and closed the laundry room door before jumping and sitting on top of the washer to check out his injured toe.


Clint was awoken by a loud thud, sitting up in his bed and rubbing a hand over his face.

The second thud brought him to his senses as he looked around, looking at his clock.

What even.....4:55?

There was the sound of a door closing and the archer got out of his bed.

He slipped on a pullover sweatshirt that was hanging off the side of his bed before silently picking up the fold up bow next to his bed, unfolding it with a small jerk.

Quietly, Clint made his way to the door and opened it, sticking his head out to look down the hall.


He slipped out and moved, stopping when his foot nudged something.

Looking down, Clint saw a heap on the floor and picked it up to discover it was one of (y/n)'s hoodies.


He went down to (y/n)'s room and opened the door, finding it empty.

He was concerned. His housemate wouldn't leave this early to go anywhere.

He called quietly and kept on through the house.

Making a right turn, he stopped, hearing some commotion in the laundry room. He snuck to it and barged through the door, bow up and aimed at the figure sitting on the washer.


(Y/n) jumped as the door opened suddenly and an arrow was pointed in his face. The owner of said bow behind it and still in his pajamas.



(Y/n) looked at Clint in confusion.

"What are you doing with that?"
He asked and Clint lowered his bow.

"I thought somebody broke in. There were a few loud noises."
Clint explained.

"..Yeah sorry I hit my foot against the washer and then closed it a bit hard."
(Y/n) said back.

The both of them looked at each other for a few silent moments before (y/n) spoke up again.

"Nice pajamas."
He said shortly.

"I didn't have time to change into something else I just grabbed this and left the room."
Clint stated and gave his bow a light shake when he gestured to it.

"Okay.. and my hoodie?"
(Y/n) said as he pointed at the pullover Clint was wearing.

"....It's comfortable, okay."
Clint responded and (y/n) gave a short laugh.

"You can have it."



Heeeey I saw this got up to 100 reads. Thank you all for reading this and I hope you like it :]

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