Archery practice

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(Clint gets male!reader a bow for his birthday )

Coffee cake and plastic party hats.

Coffee cake, party hats, and Clint's bad singing. That was the extent of (y/n)'s birthday.

The man has striking good looks, but he couldn't keep a tune. He could bake though.

Somehow, Clint knew the perfect combination of ingredients to make the best baked goods. But unfortunately for (y/n), he only baked on certain occasions... and the occasional muffin breakfast.

(Y/n) had an amused expression on his face as Clint finished singing happy birthday and set both a cake and blue gift-wrapped box on the table in front of him.

"Make a wish, eat cake, then get to the gift."
The archer said jokingly.

With amusement, (y/n) shook his head, leaning forward a little to blow out the candles.

"Totally could've just slammed that cake to your face just now."
Clint said with a tease and (y/n) smirked.

"Yeah, and after that you'd find out which of us would then have cake shoved down his pants."
(Y/n) shot back, pulling one of the blown out candles from the cake to suck the icing off of it.

"Fair enough."
Clint responded as he held out a fork.

"No plate?"

"Who needs a plate,"
Clint started with a half smirk, stabbing the fork into the cake to retrieve a piece, "we're the only ones eating it here."
He finished and held the fork out to (y/n).

(Y/n) rolled his eyes with a chuckle and took the fork.

"You make a fine point."
He said before eating the chunk of cake off of it.

"So," (y/n) started between bites, "What's in the box?"

Clint got a small amused grin on his face and slid the slender wrapped box closer.
"Why don't you find out."

(Y/n) chuckled lightly before taking a hold of the box and tearing at the wrapping paper and then lifting the lid of the box.

"Dude really??"
(Y/n) asked with an enlightened gleam in his eyes.

"I figured you might as well have one, considering."
Clint said with a small smirk.
Inside of the box was a silver and blue recurve bow.

"Fucking awesome."
(Y/n) said as he took the bow out of the box, examining it over.

"Want to try it out?"
Clint asked him.


"Yeah man. I've got arrows everywhere. We can just go up to the roof, I got some targets up there."
Clint said as he stood up from the table.

"Let's go."


The roof was pretty silent for a place that was usually inhabited by pigeons.

(Y/n) and Clint were stood poised several feet away from a sack target placed by the stairwell wall.

"So how exactly did I manage to go this long without knowing about your secret shooting range?"
(Y/n) asked as he loaded an arrow onto the bowstrings, something he'd watched Clint do for ages.

"You never wanted to go onto the roof with me when I offered."
Clint said with a shrug, setting extra arrows to the side and moving to stand beside the (h/c) man.

"Do you know the stance?"

"Pretty sure."
(Y/n) responded as he lifted the bow, pulling back on the string.

Clint had a small smile of approval on his face for a moment before using his foot to knock some space between (y/n)'s feet.

"At least a foot apart."

"What do the feet have to do with what my hands are doing?"
(Y/n) asked.


(Y/n) lowered the bow and looked at Clint.
"I've seen you shoot arrows while you were falling off a building. Where was the stability in that?."

"Just-" Clint made a continue gesture with his hand, "shoot the target."

(Y/n) got a small smirk on his face before lifting the bow again, looking towards the target.

There was a short moment of silence before a quick thwang sounded from the arrow leaving the bow, flying towards the target.

Lowering the bow, (y/n) looked to see that he had hit the outer edge of the target, border lining on the white-space.

"Not bad for your first trial."
Clint said as he clapped (y/n) on the shoulder, a proud grin on his face.

"Better watch yourself Clint, I might catch up to you and be the next unbeatable archer."
(Y/n) said in a joking manner as he reached for another arrow.

Clint just laughed at the comment and crossed his arms.
"You keep dreamin' Hawkeye."

They both had amused smiled on their faces while (y/n) loaded the next arrow.

"Now..... aim for the center."



Super hecka late. I know and I apologize deeply. I just got off from a busy finals week and the break between my school semesters. So I've had some time to relax from all that messy stress.

Kudos to @Rabid-kitten for asking about another chap. I was actually kind of touched that people wanted to read more.  So thank you RK for the motivation. You're awesome.


Holy crap guys this story has 1k.  When did THAT happen???  All you readers are amazing and I thank you for reading this and I do hope you're enjoying it.

Until next chap guys.

💙 you all 3000.

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