Part 6 - Surgical Clock

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Ever since I became interested in the medical field, I developed what I call the surgical clock. Every normal minute becomes three surgical minutes. So if a surgery is one hour long, it's been three surgical hours. That's what it feels like when you're waiting to receive news. When you're operating, one minute becomes 30 surgical seconds. A one hour surgery becomes half of a surgical hour. It just makes more sense....


"She's ready to see you," Nico smiled as he walked into my cancer room. I glared at him.

"I just went through my last round of chemo for this cycle, I've already thrown up three times, and I've just discovered that I can't lift either of my arms. I can't get into a wheel chair by myself," I spoke angrily. He walked over to help me.


"Jenny!!!" Maria chuckled. She was obviously high from the drugs they gave her.

"If I could move my arms, I would be slapping you right now. You could have died and left me alone," I returned the greeting in a not so friendly way.

"You have Andrew," she laughed in a way that remind me of a teenage girl making fun of a crush.

"Yeah, well, Andrew and I haven't talked since the day I found out I had cancer. Every time he visits, we just sit in silence and enjoy each other's presence," I sighed.

"Now that is no way to have a relationship, y-" Maria began talking, but her voice faded as I began to get dizzy. I could faintly hear her continue talking before I passed out.


"What happened?" I said as I began waking up.

"Your body couldn't handle the chemo. It's actually very common," Carina explained. I looked at her.

"I'm fine," she stated.

"I'm not," I replied, "My dad had a heart attack, my boyfriend, who might not actually be my boyfriend, got hit by a car, and my best friend had her leg run over. This was all on the same day. Not to mention I have ovarian cancer. It's like bad luck follows me," I explained.

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