Chapter 4~ Jace Wayland

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"Mom, I'm coming home okay?!" Then I got an answer that was out of the ordinary.

"No, no, no, no! You can't come home you understand that?! Don't come home!"

"What?!" I squeak into the phone. I hear crashes in the background. What is going on.

"I need you to go to Terry, he will help you. Tell him that he has returned. I love you." Then the phone clicked, signalling that she hung up. I then knew something was wrong.

"Mom!" I yell into the phone then drop it on the floor and take off to where Mom is, leaving Angel Boy in the dust.

I run as fast as I can to home. I didn't stop to wait for anything. I even pushed some people off to the side and almost got hit by a car. I bumped into a cyclist and fell, but I got right back up quickly and took off again. Mumbling an apology. I finally got to my apartment and run up the small steps and up to my apartment. When I go there, the door was broken and off it's hinges. I slowly walked into the apartment to find it a mess. Like a tornado had swept pass here.

I carefully walked around the apartment, trying not to step on glass or sharp objects.

"Mom?!" I call out into the messed up apartment. No answer. Okay, this week has just been horrific for me. First, I start to draw this symbol that I don't know about, I see a murder, my apartment gets messed up, and to top it all off, my mom is missing.

Then I hear a growl. I turn around to see a dog growling at me, like it is about to attack. Then it starts to run toward me. My eyes widen and I run toward my bathroom and hide next to the door. The dog follows and once he is in the middle of the bathroom, I quickly leave the room and close my broken door to keep the dog it. It then starts to scratch the door and bark at me. It tries to bite me through the hole that is on the door but then it stops. It shakes it head, then I see something extremely disturbing. It's head splits.... and it was still alive.

Soon, the whole dog starts turning into this.. thing! I then run away from the bathroom door and the thing breaks the door and starts to chase me while making this demonic scream. I come into the kitchen and I knew I had less than a minute for the thing to get to me. I grab a lighter and some gasoline and placed it on the stove and turned the stove on to high. The things get there and I try to hide in the refrigerator, which was away from the stove. The thing then climbs on the stove, knocking the open gasoline bottle over which caused gasoline to spill and cover the stove and top. The thing tries to grab me but I kept hitting its hand? I guess it was a hand.

As it was trying to repostion itself to grab me, I took that chance to take the lighter and light the gasoline that had dripped onto the floor in front of the refrigerator. The gasoline was on fire and was tracing up to the stove, where the thing was laying on, then the stove exploded. Making the thing explode. Thankfully the fridge door protected me from the explosion and away from debris hitting me.

I took a deep breath, thinking it was over. I looked toward where the thing was in slimy pieces. But it started to do something.

It was regrouping.

Awww! And I thought it was over!

It started to regroup fast and soon, I had to get out of my spot and run. The thing has finally regrouped and was chasing me again, and it was faster. I tripped over something that was broken and fell. The thing finally got to me and was about to kill me when all of a sudden, it vanished and a clear blade was in it's place.

I look up and see Angel Boy wiping the blood of the thing on his jacket. He then looked at me, who was still in shock and looked scare out of her wits. He then placed his hands under my arms and started to pull me off the floor. I could have sworn that I felt some sparks when he touched me.

He then pulled me into his arms and hugged me, trying to comfort me.

"Shhh. It's gone, it's dead. You're okay. Calm down." I took deep breaths, then looked at him.

"What was that?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I looked at him strangely.

"Oh yeah? I just saw a dog turn into.. THAT! Try me." Angel Boy sighed.

"It was a demon. And that thing I killed at the club, that was a demon too." Well that explained the demonic scream when that thing/demon was chasing me.

He continues, "Demons take form of anything and anyone. Even people you think you know. You can't trust anyone."

"Then why should I trust you? I don't even know your name." I backed away from Angel Boy. Angel Boy shrugged and smirked.

"Well I did just save your life. Jace Wayland, now you know my name."

Jace, huh. That's a nice name. And Jace did have a point, he did save my life. And he wouldn't say a thing about demons if he was one...

"Rosalyn Cross, or Rosey for short," I introduced myself. Then I realized something.

"Wait, how did you know I was going to be at the Java Jones?" I asked. Oh please don't let this gorgeous boy be a stalker.

"Well after your little scream yesterday and that the fact that you can see us, yet you don't know why, sparked my attention. Now you should be honoured that you actually got my attention, most girls don't," Jace smirked. Great a player.

"That still didn't answer my question," I informed him.

"And I wasn't done." Well played Wayland.

"Well, you case doesn't happen often. So I told Hodge, said he wanted me to bring you to him. And I asked your "friend" Jackson where you--"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Jackson?! He knows you?!" Jace gave me a weird and confused look.

"You couldn't tell?" Jace asked. I shook my head.

He shrugged, "Well, it's not my secret to tell. Well I asked him and told me where you would usually be. And tada! I'm looking at you through the window."

I still had this confused look, then look at his arm, which had the symbols on them. I grab his arm.. again, and point at the symbol that I have been drawing for days.

"What is this symbol?" I asked.

"It's the Angelic Rune." I have an even more confused look on my face. Jace notices.

"You're still confused," he sighs, "well, I need to take you to Hodge soon.. or now."

I was about to ask who Hodge is, when I started to feel light headed. I get dizzy and then I feel myself falling into Jace's arms. I loose hearing and I can't hear Jace talking to me. Soon, black spots appear. The last thing I see is Jace's concerned look before I fade into darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2014 ⏰

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Magnetic~ A Jace Wayland/Herondale Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now