Chapter 11

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We were in May. The tour would end at the beginning of July and we would fly back to England. We would stay there for 2 months then fly back to the US for the next tour. "You have to go pack your bags and bring them here. You'll stay with me and we leave on saturday" said Niall, after he asked Paul if I could stay. "Ok. Will you come with me to my house?" I asked him. "Sure. And here's your car keys. Paul gave them to me." We got to my car and Niall's eyebrows shot up. "What?" I asked him. "That's alot of car for such a small person" he said. "Shut up" I said to him. I was only 5'2'' and the wheels came up to my waist. I hopped in the drivers seat and Niall sat next to me. On our way to my flat, I stopped by the diner I worked at. "Hey Maggie!" I said as I walked in. "Hey Viv! What brings you here?" asked Maggie. Maggie was shorter than me and she looked just like Snooki. Just without all the tacky make up and animal print. "I'm sorry to say I won't be working here anymore" I said. "What? Why?" Maggie asked, concerned. Just then Niall walked in. Maggie almost passed out. She was a big One Direction fan. And by big I meant BIG. "That's why" I said pointing at Niall as he walked towards me. "Babe, I got hungry" he said. "You're Niall Horan" she managed to whisper before collapsing. Niall caught her quickly before her head hit the edge of the counter. She recovered quickly and started flirting right away. "What can I get ya, love" she said, flashing him a smile. He gave me a mischevious look. "I'll have a burger and some chips please" he said, shooting her a wink. Maggie almost passed out again. "Um...uh...oh ok" she stuttered then walked away to give the order to the chef. She came back with Niall's food, which he ate faster than I had imagined. I explained everything to Maggie and she was sad to see me go. She wished me luck and said goodbye. Niall gave her a peck on the cheek and she managed not to scream. We drove to my house and I told Niall to stay in the car. I ran to my room and pulled out my suitcase. All my clothes and shoes fit perfectly into it. I went to the bathroom and grabbed my toiletries, hair products, and other things. I stuffed that into my duffel bag. That was all i needed. I was coming back on saturday to clean out everything else and move to London. I ran out of the bathroom and saw Niall looking through my fridge. "I got hungry" he said, chewing on piece of cake. "Let's go" I said laughing.


Back at the hotel, I dropped my stuff off at our room. I looked through the mini fridge. It was already 8 p.m. and I hadn't eaten anything since lunch time. "There's nothing in here" I complained. "Well, I ate most of it" Niall replied. "Most of it? You mean all of it!" I scoffed. "Hold on" he said, walking over to the phone. He dialed a number, talked quickly and quietly to the person on the other end, then hung up. "What was that about?" I asked, curious. "You'll see" he answered, smirking. There was a knock on the door. "Answer it" Niall encouraged. I got up to open the door. Outside, there was a hotel employee with a cart. It was full of different sweets and fruits. "Room service?" the man asked. I turned to Niall. He nodded. "Uh...yeah." The man rolled the cart in, gave a little bow, then left the room. "Eat up" Niall ordered, grabbing a candy bar. "This is for me?" I asked, astonished. "Yup" he answered popping the 'p'. "You are the best!" I exclaimed, throwing myself at him. He hugged me back and laughed his wonderful laugh. "I know I am!"

Not Your Typical Love Story (A Niall Horan fanfic) [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]Where stories live. Discover now