Chapter 27

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I had been sitting in a ball for the past hour. Lexi was watching T.V. and she had no idea I was having a breakdown in my room. I had to go see him. I had to go to London. But I had to do it alone. Lexi couldn't just stay here. I would be gone for too long. I decided to call the only person I could trust right now. "Tommy" I whispered, after 3 rings. "Vivian, what's wrong?" he asked, concerned. "I have to go to London" I replied. "Why?" he asked. "That's not important right now. I have to go but I have to go alone."

"What about Lexi?"

"That's why I'm calling you."


"I need you to come to my house right now. I'm leaving this instant. You will take care of Lexi."

I hung up before he could argue. I got up, fixed my hair and walked into the living room. My bag was slung over my shoulder. "Lexi, mommy has to go on an important bussiness trip" I lied. "Uncle Tommy will be here in a minute to take care of you." Lexi nodded, not really paying attention. I walked out of the house and shut the door quietly. Outside, I pressed my back against the door. "I love you Lexi" I whisper. I pull my keys out of my pocket and make my way to the car. The rumble of the car doesn't comfort me this time.


I was used to plane rides by now. It didn't faze me at all. There was barely any jet-lag. I looked decent enough when I got off the plane in London. It was dark, except for the dim street lights. I got into a cab and gave him the adress. I was nervous. What would I find? What would he say? All the thoughts swirling around in my head made me sick. I was feeling quite dizzy when the cab stopped in front of the flat building. I paid the driver and stepped out onto the street. It was chilly, but after all, I was in London. I didn't run up the steps. I wasn't in a hurry. I was scared. What if he didn't want me back? I stopped mid-thought. The door was open, lock busted. I rushed inside. I looked around to find no one. "Niall?" I called, stepping around the mess of bottles on the floor. I walked around slowly, when I heard the squish of footsteps on wet carpet. I froze and looked down. I was standing in a puddle of blood. I slapped my hand over my mouth to keep myself from screaming. I had never heard a silence so loud. The only sound was my heart beating in my ears. A sudden noise made me jump. It was the sound of shuffling feet in the bedroom. I heard it come closer. Closer. Closer. It was right behind me. I dropped my hands to the side, paralyzed with fear. The footsteps stopped just inches behind me. Then a cold hand was pressed against my mouth.

Not Your Typical Love Story (A Niall Horan fanfic) [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]Where stories live. Discover now