~Chapter Ten~

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Serayah Pov
It's been like 2 days of me living with Bryshere and it's going good. We got back from out trip two days ago so it ain't really been that long.

Right now I'm in the shower just think of how fast everything will go wrong, just like it did with Romeo. After think I got out the shower wrapped a towel around my body and my hair.

I brushed my teeth, washed my face and throw my hair up into a messy bun. I go to the closet and pick out something to wear and I just put on a sports bra and joggers.

B: hey Ray

S: yes *walking out the closet*

B: my mom asked if she can take the girls for the weekend, is that ok?

S: umm... yea I guess

B: she won't hurt them or anything s-

S: I know she can go

B: alright then and we redoing Kali and Sages room to make it Kali, Riley and Sages room when they leave so u can start looking for whatever u need and use my credit card

S: ok what the budget?

B: theres no budget get whatever u need no matter the cost

S: mmhm kay

He left and I followed him down stairs to see the girl in the living eating chips.

S: what u girls didn't eat breakfast yet

K: no daddy said we can eat whatever we wanted for breakfast


Ss: ouuu daddy's in trouble

B: yes SERAYAH *mocking me*

S: why are they eating chips for breakfast

B: cause breakfast is on- *door bell rings* it's here

He goes and get the the door and comes back with bags from Perkins.

R: bryrbry did u get sprinkle panacakes

B: yes I did... and chocolate chips pancakes

Girls: yay!

He gives them their food and let's them eat it while watching TV for once I've always tried to convince him to do it and he finally does. I just sit there on me phone sitting on the couch minding my busi- ness.

Then he hands me food and orange juice

B: and theres no cheese on ur eggs cause I know that how u like them

S: thanks

I'm surprised he remembers that I only told him once.
Bryshere Pov

B: come on are y'all done

S: I need to finish up her- Done

B: finally

S: dont finally me boy

Bryshere  •

Bryshere  •

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