~Chapter Twenty-Four~

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Kali laid awake while her mommy slept, still in her moms arms. She soon got bored so she played with her mommy's hair.

Serayah stirred awake by the sense of being touched.

K: hi

S: hi baby... how long u been up

Kali shrugs her shoulders.

S: long enough for u to braid my hair

Kali giggles and nods.

K: mommy guess what?

S: what?

K: its recital day!

S: I know, u ready?

K: yea I just scared I might fall on the round-off back handspring

S: even if u do u play it off with a backwards roll like the teacher told u ok

K: yup

S: but that means now we have to get up

K: mommy u know when u sleeping u look so pretty

S: awww baby.... but dont try and change the subject

K: I swear it only works on daddy but can we stay for five minutes

S: give me one good reason

K: I comfortable in ur arms

Kali had won Serayah had nothing to say.

Five minutes turned into 30 minutes of cuddling.

S: alright mamas we have to get up now

K: ok

They get out of bed and went to wake up Sage and Riley. Once everybody was awake and moving they did there morning routine. While they girls ate Serayah made sure she had all the make up she needed and the costumes they girls needed.

Since it was an recital and instate they didnt have to leave as early if it was for competition.

Riley is still upset that her daddy is missing her first ever performance.

As all the girls were excited and giddy to perform, getting their hair and make up done Riley sat in the corner all sad in and bummed out.

?: now that's no way for a princess to look before her performance

Riley looks up knowing whoever it was was talking to her.

R: *gasps* daddy! U made it!

The biggest smile appears on Rileys face as she jumps up to give her dad a hug.

B: hi princess

R: daddy why didnt u tell u comin

B: but it wouldnt be a suprise

Kali and Sage gave their dad hugs and went back to their friends. Serayah knew Bryshere was here but wasn't stunnin' him because she was busy doing her make up.

After the girls performance they went out as a family to have dinner then went home.


Serayah dropped the girls off as unusual and went to Empire to practice her performance. She performing with Bryshere on his tour because instead of going to a show he chose to go his his princesses perform and he told them he'll have a surprise for them, with that being Serayah.

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