~Chapter Twelve~

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Sunday night

Bryshere Pov

Tomorrow is my princesses first day of school. They're excited but them kids are not morning people. A whole marching team can come in and they won't wake up.

K: wait so tomorrow we really get to go to big girl school *playing with her feet in the water*

S: yes Kal u get to go to big girl school tomorrow

Ss: I've been waiting for this for like 4 years

R: yea I think its 4 or maybe 5 cause we just turn 5 this year

Ss: I don't care how long it was I just happy it's finally here

R: u guys wanna know a secret

K: yes

R: mommy BryBry can u guys leave for one minute *holding up one finger*

B: why

Ss: daddy she gotta tell us secret

B: alright we out

Me and Ray leave them

S: what could they have to keep a secret

B: dont all girls have secrets

S: no.. well yea we gotta have secrets


We walk back in

Ss: Miss.Rayah u can really sing?

R: it was a secret Sage

Ss: sorry I just wanna know

S: maybe... I dont know

R: yea can u used to sing to me all da time

S: ok if y'all get ready for bed and brush ur teeth I'll sing y'all a song

Ss: ok

K: what y'all sitting for it's time to get out I'm first *standing up* oh no it's cold towel please

Ray hands her a towel and gets all them out I leave to handle a phone call that about my song tomorrow with Sierra.

When I finish that up Serayah is already singing to them so I just stand out and listen.

S: Saying that I love you
'Cause that roll right off the tongue
Spend all my excuses
Now I'm useless, useless
Gave up what we had
Lost in the aftermath
This is how a good girl goes bad. That's all got so far, do u think its good

R: it is mommy I told u that

Ss: Ri's right it's so good

K: can u sing to us every night and tomorrow we pick the song

S: I can do that now get and bed. Disney or Nickelodeon

Girls: Disney

As she changes the TV is when I run down the hall back into our room and pretend to be just ending the phone conversation.

B: yup .... I got u... I'm not gonna be late... ma I will take all the pictures in the world for u... promise bye *hangs up the phone*

S: that was ur mom

B: yea she wanted to make sure I wasn't late cause I have a meeting and studio tomorrow and make sure I take pictures of the girl tomorrow

S: oh yes gonna get pictures cause I'm taking tons *sitting on the bed*

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