Chapter 15

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Taran was looking warily at King, while Velvet and Arttu were looking into the camp, while creatures seeped out of the tents, looking unfriendly.

"We have new allies! We found them outside of camp!" Moon announced, looking calm. The eyes of the creatures now looked friendlier, except for one.

"A pregnant one? How much help would she be?!" a white dingo piped up.

Nala dashed down and pounced on him. "You!" the dingo now looked scared.

"Nala! What are you doing?!"

Nala looked livid. "Snowflake! I hate you!"

King shot toward her, pulling her off. Taran calmly walked over, still looking wary. "Control your mate."

"Says the one who can't keep their tail out of their legs." King retorted. 

Snowflake got up and brushed himself off, quickly getting away. Nala was still strong, nearly escaping King's grasp.

"Nala, it's okay. He's not going to be a problem." Nala calmed down, walking away.

Moon approached. "Is there a reason she attacked one of our soldiers?"

"I.. bad experiences." King explained quickly.

Moon looked suspicious. "Nevermind. We have to start questioning all of you now."

"Questioning?" King asked, confused.

"To make sure you're not spies."

King nodded, following Moon and Arttu into a tent. He, Jynx, and Blitz sat down, waiting. It was oddly quiet.

"Hey, Jynx?" Blitz broke the silence with a whisper.


"Now that we're mates, do-"

"Ask King first." she turned away, exploring her surroundings.

King heard, looking at them, wondering what they meant.

"King, I've gotta ask you something important." Blitz looked shockingly serious.

"What is it, Blitz?"

"What is it like to be a father?" he somehow managed to keep a straight face.

"Oh, um.. I don't know. They aren't born yet, but the feeling of anticipation is wonderful."

Blitz nodded, going back to his conversation with Jynx.

King then wondered, what would his children look like? He would love them either way, but the questions still coursed his mind. He thought about names. He always liked the name "Kuno", or "Heaven". He was flaring with joy as he imagined little mini pups running around his paws, so caught up that he hadn't noticed Moon and a black ocelot had walked in.

King shook his head, looking at them both.

The ocelot spoke up. "I'm Feather. I'll be questioning you guys. First, where did you come  from?"

"Blitz and I came from the oak tree near the Seven Stones. If you know where that is."

Feather nodded. "And you and your mate?" he looked to King.

"A cave near Willow Trees." King was uneasy, what if they thought they were spies?

"What is your reason for coming here?" Feather asked, looking more and more serious with every passing second.

Jynx answered first. "We came to follow our friends into battle."

Right before King could answer, Nala came in, Snowflake close behind, looking nervous.

"Get lost, liar." Nala snarled. Snowflake quickly trotted away.

"I came because I was told I could end this war. I don't want any more fighting."

Nala looked at Feather, as if expecting something.

"So," Feather cleared his throat. "Why did you come here?"

Nala puffed out her chest, looking strong despite her obvious condition. "I follow my mate. I never leave his side."

"Even being pregnant?"

Nala seemed to hold back something, it was a look in her eyes, as if if she didn't get her teeth in his neck, she would die. King scrambled to her side, desperately trying to calm her down.

She gritted her teeth. "I go where he goes. You heard me."

"Do you have good reason for attacking Snowflake, or disliking him?" Feather bristled, seeing her anger.

"He's a liar, and a traitor. I never want to see him again. I would do me good to see his blood on my paws." she smirked, as if imagining it.

King winced, he hated when she got violent. It showed a side he never wanted to reveal. Her dark side.

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