Chapter 17

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Nala was shivering in embarrassment. King must have mistaken it for fear, for he sat next to her, his fur brushing hers.

"No need to be afraid."

"I'm not afraid!" she snapped. How could she have gone into a panic attack so easily? She found the entire experience completely embarrassing, shifting away from the crowd, shrinking in her pelt. What is wrong with me? She snarled, looking for easy prey. Looking around, she spotted something green far away. She bolted toward it, hoping for it to be prey or a victim. Getting closer, she recognized the green shell and the scar. Salvadore! But what's he doing back? She ran even quicker toward him, shouting his name. "Salvadore! Salvadore, come over here!" As she got closer, she saw him crouched by a patch of blue flowers. Suddenly, it rang in her head. Beware the blue flowers! Beware the blue flowers! Every time it repeated itself, it got louder until it seemed Salvadore was shouting it in her ears. She blindly ran, her sense of direction tangled with the shouts and pleads. She fell into the patch of flowers, Salvadore staring at her. She was trapped, tangled in the array of shades of blue.

"Salvadore, what did you do?!" she yelped, half angry, half afraid.

He only shook his head, walking away mysteriously, leaving her to fend for herself in these mind fogging, entangling plants. She was lost in memory, watching herself grow up.

"Mom, I don't want to!" she squealed.

A beautiful grey she-wolf rubbed her head, ruffling her white fur. "Nala, you're going to get sick in this weather if you don't come inside!"

At the word sick, the grey wolf faded into a puddle, tears flowing from her eyes. "Mom, no!" she screamed. It was now empty nothingness, two figures watching in the distance as she ran from her own insecurities  and fears. She opened her mouth in a soundless scream, hoping to just fade away into nothingness, to get away from her terrible childhood.

"Nala! Nala! Snap out of it, please!" King was shouting, snarling at others that tried to stop him. She was on the ground, writing and snarling, eyes filled with terror. King watched with a dismayed expression, for every time he tried to get near her, she got close to biting him. She was attacking blindly.

"Kill." a voice resonated in her head.

"Kill." the voice repeated itself, sounding more demanding.

"Kill, kill, kill, KILL!" she let out an ear splitting screech and leaped at the nearest person, aiming for their neck.

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