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We didn't expect for it to end. Even when we did.

We were lost, now we're blind, no finding our way in this dark.

We would have held on... yeah~ we would have held on~!

No more late night calls, asking how you are!

No more wishing on a star, for one more chance!

No more~----

No more~----

If only I could have you here....

Tell me do you miss me?!

Tell me do you wish I was there?!

Tell me...and I might not dissapear~!


I turn the radio off. I couldn't bear to hear anymore of that damn song. To hear his voice.

It's been four years since I last saw him. Four years since I've even said his name aloud. Four. Fucking. Years. Four years...and I can still remeber how it felt to be in his arms. I can remeber how it felt to hold him so close our heartbeats were one and the same.

We haven't spoken since the day he told me he was leaving. We were fourteen when we broke up, and yes time matters. Time along with the things that we never got to say, and the things we did.

I can remeber every hurtful word we spoke to each other the day he left as well. I can remeber all the things I wanted to say... the things I should have said.

I can remember the things. Big, little, all of it.

Things I didn't say.

I can't help but think that the song he wrote...the same one that causes me to look back and focus on all the times I screwed up and fucked up my life...was meant to remind me.

That causes me to look back on our relationship and know that, even if I want to blame it all on him, it takes two to fuck up a good thing.

It took me and him.

I am the cause of the worse heartbreak known to man.

But so is he.

We fucked up together. That's that.

He had to leave...and I couldn't go with him. My mother needed me here. I couldn't just run away with him even if I wanted to.


Look at me. Please just look at me.

Why won't you meet my eye?

Damn it! You're making me worried!

Jaxon please...


Just look at me...

I can't stand this silence anymore! Neither of us speaking.

"Jaxon...what's wrong?" I ask him, the tears evident in my voice. I wish I was able to hide my emotions as well as he can.

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