Chapter 3 || Graveyard Wonderland

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03/16/20 - 04/10/20

"Where the fuck are we, woman?" [Y/n] heard Zack ask behind her, him now in front as he observes the area together with Ray. "Is this even a floor anymore? This place is a fucking forest!"

[Y/n] chuckled at this as she skillfully plays with the scythes she was holding, triggering Zack off at the sight of her hand holding his beloved weapon. "Zack, have you ever realized that this floor is just the same width, length, or something with mine, right? Also, we will get to meet the beloved twins, Sammy and Laurel!" She said brightly, making Zack scoff at the side and Ray cocking her head at the side. "Who are they? All I can tell is that they are the owners of this floor. And they remind me of Eddie..." Ray asked but muttered the last part, knowing that the past killer she faced that owns a graveyard is none of the Bloody Artist's business. [Y/n] took a deep breath and explained, Zack stupidly going on without them since he doesn't want to listen to [Y/n]'s so-called "bullshit" story time.

"Well, Sammy and Laurel are twins that loves all sorts of violence, pranks, and all other naughty things. They always made sure they have traps placed around-" She then gets cut off by something setting off and Zack's manly scream in the distance, making Ray turn to that direction as well. "- like that and they're probably watching us in the cameras right now. Let's go see Zack hanging upside down, shall we?"

With that, the two girls walked in the path and saw Zack in the distance actually hanging upside down by his left leg and see him struggle out of the rope he was being held with. [Y/n] laughed at the sight as she stopped Ray from running towards Zack. "Don't run off, Ray. You might run into a trap like your partner did." [Y/n] said, a few chuckles cutting her sentence off a little bit. She carefully led both of them to Zack by a good distance. "That's what you get for not listening to me, stupid." She then used her own scythe to cut the rope holding Zack up, making him fall head first with a thud, a groan errupting his mouth as he placed a hand over his head while [Y/n]'s laughing her ass off in the background.

Once Zack stood up and yelled at the Bloody Artist, they now carefully proceeded on their way now. There are a lot of traps along the way but they aren't so deadly. The twins must've placed them down just for laughs. How typical of them. [Y/n] actually got to know them for a bit once when her security systems went on with a glitch (as it seems) and for some reason got connected with Sammy's connection line. They seem really friendly and cheerful around her and, wow, they want her to be their big sister now. Perhaps meeting her in person this time would just enlighten them more. And probably not let her go away without them.

The trail led them to a meadow and a parish is just a few walks away. At the other side, there's a graveyard filled with interesting looking gravestones, making Ray tense up. 'Eddie... Gray...' She thought in her head and gulped lightly but calmed down a small bit. She hates the memory she had experienced before but the past is past and she'll just have to go on. Zack noticed this and nudged Ray with his elbow lightly, making Ray's head turn up to him and see him give her a reassuring nod. She nodded back and looked at the amazed [Y/n] beside her.

"Wow, this place looks bigger despite being the same size as my floor! No wonder why the guys who built this place have no more budget for lights and stuff. They wasted it so much in these floors!" [Y/n] awed not the way she's supposed to and shook her head in disappointment as she thought back to her floor that has very little lights. "Now then, let's get a move on, lady and boy~!"

The three proceeds and stopped in their tracks as they looked at the two available ways to go. [Y/n] hummed in thought as the other two just look around with their eyes or head. Being the not-so-smart one, Zack proceeded with Ray being pulled along with him to the left path and left [Y/n] thinking to herself alone. "Hmm... I think I should go check out the church while you guys-" [Y/n] turned around to face them with glee and her smile dropped, confusion written all over her pretty face. She looked down and saw their footprints leading to the church and with a shrug, she skips over to the graveyard while humming a creepy melody.

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