The escape, gunshots and "daddy?"

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(When Charlie and Riddick re-unite)

Charlie's POV~

I was sat in the bottom of my cage still thinking about the comforting sound that had been heard earlier but once again my thought was cut off by a faint sound of....Dying? i couldn't quiet describe it but it was probably someone in their cryo tubes, i could hear the faint blacking out of someone's heart. After that i just blacked out until i heard fighting and my cage was being shaken. Scared i just huddled in a corner until the crash caused me to hit my head and bleed. Darkness.

Riddick's POV~

During the whole crash there was one thing on my mind...Charlie. My baby girl. My pup. As we crashed i could smell her blood and fear however I knew I wouldn't be able to get to her and ghost everyone just yet....however the merc that shouted at my pup has a dead ringer to die first Im telling you he is as good as dead.

As i got out of the cryo i used the pipes to support myself above so as to set a trap. however as i looked around i saw the merc, who was first on my list to ghost, was half ay out of his tube covered in blood with his head almost detached from his neck. ~huff~ well at least he's dead.

Johns moved under me and i started choking him but in the end he got me chained to a pole. however due to the move i could smell Charlie's blood more clearly which made me let out o possessive growl for who ever or what ever had hurt my baby girl.

Looking around i saw a brake in the beam above and dislocated my shoulders, grabbed a cutting torch and got these restraints off. After which i left through the cabin seeing one of the boys carrying a little girl who looked like my mate......WAIT!!!!!! I looked at her and almost felt the maternal instincts kick in she was so small for her age and would have probably been classed as the runt of the pack, which meant she would have been protected by her other pack members till she was strong enough to hunt with us. But seeing her bleeding i knew i had to leave her there until they fixed her up.

~sigh~ "I'll be back baby girl and I'll never let you go again". With a final growl i left towards sun rise and left my bit towards sun set.

[Mini time skip brought to you by Riddick's amazing muscles.....mmm yum ;) ]

Charlie POV~

After they cleaned me up we were walking towards the blue sun and i kept to the back of the group. Fry kind of creeped me out she was looking at me as if i was an.....for lack of a better word lets say animal. But i digress.

As we walked to what the others thought were 'trees' i decided to walk in the shade of one of the large bones. Because i was so small and quiet i think the forgot i was here because when i turned around they were far away and i felt a presence behind me. Sitting in my blood covered dress i was just waiting for the person to show themselves although compared to the others this presence was comforting? next i heard a familiar growl.

Riddick's POV~

As i watched my little girl walk with the others i could see the blond woman fry glance at her with a distasteful eye with would ignite a growl from the back of my throat. I am going to have to watch her!

A little while later i saw them keep walking and leave Charlie as she was looking at the marks that were left in the bones i smirked as she sat in the shade and looked like she was waiting for something. I jumped down from my perch above her and slowly made my way towards her whilst taking my googles off.

When i was behind her i softly growled and bent down on my knees however i was still very tall compared to her 'why did she have to be so small she looks as if she will break with one hug from me?'

After i growled she slowly turned to face me with made my heart slowly melt and tears started to prick my eyes. she looked at me and made a growl as if asking me who i was, keeping eye contact i moved my head close to her ear and made a content and almost sad growling sound. 'does she not remember me?' that thought alone broke me on the inside and i was for once in a long time afraid however it left as she made a small yipping sound as realisation crossed her eyes and she jumped and hugged me. i thought i was going to cry but i refused however the next thing that happened cause a single tear to fall and made me feel joy that i thought i had lost years ago.

"Daddy is that you?". that single small whisper made me hug her so tight i thought she would pass out.

"yeah baby girl its me"

"I missed you so much daddy" as she said this i could hear the faint whimper and I gently rubbed our heads together. when i pulled back  i saw her look into my eyes, scared i would make her fear me i closed them but before i could i felt a tiny hand come up just bellow my eyes and Charlie was looking at me in awe.

"your eyes look like the moon and stars daddy just like i remember. they kept me safe whilst i slept"

Chuckling at how brave my pup was i could see the others starting to call for her but called out PITA instead of Charlie, I will have to ask about that later before i let her go she did something that made me regret letting go of my tiny pup. she gave me an Eskimo kiss and handed me something from under the bottom fold of her dress. it was a large blade and it look high quality as well. looking back at Charlie i gave her a questioning look which made her look down sheepishly resulting in a chuckle from me as i stood up to my full height, which meant she came up to the bottom of my thigh, and i gently pushed her towards the others.

After watching the group move back to the ship i heard faint gun shot and in the end was dragged back to the ship with my pup whimpering as i was chained back to the wall.


sorry about the wait but consolation prize = longer chapter and i didn't leave it  on a cliff hanger aren't i sweet. See ya soon. 

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