Daddy and Monsters in the Dark

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Charlie's POV~

I was sat next to Jack outside of the wreck under the shade of the wing. Johns had just dragged daddy into the ship and I couldn't stop whimpering however I don't think anyone could hear me, but if I got too loud I could her daddy doing o few comforting growls from inside the ship.

after a while Fry and Johns went inside to talk to daddy, which made me upset because I wasn't allowed to and that both annoyed me and made me want to cry ( hey don't judge like i said before i'm a six year old and can get a little emotional sometimes). in the back ground of everyone around me I could see Johns came back out and after which started to talk to Fry in hushed angry tones. But what  scared me was the clicking and shrieks I could hear beneath my feet.

Getting a little too jittery for my liking I walked back inside to go find daddy. 'i'm scared'

Riddick's POV~

Whilst I was inside I could hear some whimpering from outside signalling that Charlie had seen what had happed. I hope she is ok. just to be sure I sent some calming growls from the back of my throat which in return resulted in less frightened whimpers from my baby girl. 'I wonder if she can hear them too'

After Johns and Fry had interrogated me on the whispers I could hear when Zeke was killed they walked back out. Fry had a crazy glint in her eyes. I got a bad feeling. That soon went away and was replaced with a calming sensation when I heard the tiny pitter patter of Charlie's feet coming my way. When I saw her come into the light I could see the faint amount of shake in her little legs and fear in her eyes. 'oh no what's happening'.

Charlie's POV~

I came into the faint amount of light in the ship and saw daddy already looking towards my direction with a flicker of concern to my shaking legs and fearful eyes

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I came into the faint amount of light in the ship and saw daddy already looking towards my direction with a flicker of concern to my shaking legs and fearful eyes.

gathering up the small amount of voice I had at the moment I managed to whisper  "daddy do you heawr them two". Daddy simply moved as close as he could towards me and crouched down enough for me to wrap my tiny arms around his neck. Sitting on his lap daddy asked if I could hear them clicking and I simply nodded my head he sighed and rubbed my head to his to try and calm me down which was short lived.

Riddick's POV~

After trying to calm Charlie down enough to talk to her again I could hear Johns walking towards us and judging by Charlie's reaction she heard to. she rubbed her head against mine one last time and slid down my legs and slightly stumbled from the height which made me chuckle a little bit but stop as johns moved towards Charlie who was pretending to look interested in a blue light in the corner. 'I don't like were this is going' growling I started planning plenty of painful deaths that would befall everyone who would come near my baby girl with the intent to harm. But I was brought out of my scheming to see Johns pick up my baby girl and drag her outside. the last thing I saw was the terrified look in my daughters eyes.

Charlie's POV~

Having been strapped round my tummy by Fry I was pushed into the hole were I could practically smell death everywhere. looking further in I found Zeke's foot and a big winged creature."ohhhhhh FUCK!" running as fast as my tiny feet would carry me towards the light I could hear more of them coming towards me which resulted in me striking out with anther one of my hidden blades like the one I gave daddy. I want my daddy.

climbing as far up the rock I could whilst being covered in their blue blood I started banging on the side only for it to cave in and me to slide back down. when I was close to the darkness one of the creatures swiped my tummy, not enough for me to die but enough for me to lose blood. Climbing higher again I was pulled out by Imam and one of his boys who cut the rope from round me. Everyone was asking me if I was ok but what really caught my attention was the very loud and very very VERY angry growl that came from my daddy who was racing towards our group heading straight for me. This was the last thing I remember before the loss of what ever amount of blood my tiny body has considered it time for me to be consumed by darkness again.

Riddick's POV~

NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!

I was currently try to keep my cool when Johns told me that Fry had suggested my baby girl go down to look. He then offered me a deal that resulted in me scaring him....again. Getting outside as fast as I could hear the agitated clicking underneath my feet but what scared me wasn't the amount of clicking or the amount of was the amount of my baby's blood that I could smell.

Looking towards the location of my pup I could see her clutching at her tummy. With an animalistic growl I was lunging towards the group of people who was surrounding my daughter, as I got close to her I could see the fluttering of her little eyes that were filled with pain and fatigue. Right before she hit the ground I had caught her and started to growl at the others as they were crowding around us. 'oh yeah they don't know she is my daughter do they'. Running back towards the ship with my tiny pup in my arms I could hear Johns telling the others about mine and Charlie's relationship but frankly I couldn't give two shits my baby was hurt.

After I had stitched up the cut on her tummy with minimal pain from Charlie she woke up and instantly wrapped her arms around me, I didn't know she was crying till a small tear fell from her cheek on to my neck.

"its ok baby girl I wont ever let you go again ever!"

slowly she lifted her head to look at me and she asked if I promised whilst holding out her pinkie finger (which by the way looked like a toothpick). Chuckling I took her tiny finger and put a tiny kiss to it. I promise baby me and you are going to be ok. you will never get hurt on my watch...............EVER!". Humming  slightly she fell asleep still clinging onto me as I rocked her back and forth growling softly like I did when she was born.


Hey guys I hated writing that baby Charlie got hurt but daddy Riddick took care of her isn't that sweet. Anyways see you soon and I hope you like this chapter.

Stay toned shit hits the fan soon ;) 

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