Chapter Four

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A/N Sorry for the wait. I hope this isn't too terrible.


Percy reached up to take off the hat. As he did, the Sorting Hat whispers in his head, Good luck, Percy Jackson. I'm going to enjoy the shocked reactions, and I hope you do as well.

Percy smiled and stood, putting the hat down on the stool. He looked at Luna first, who was smiling and seemingly unsurprised, and then at the Gryfindor table and saw everyone he knew seeming shocked.  Percy grinned and stuck out his tongue at Hermione, who tried to look at him disapprovingly for his immaturness but ended out covering her mouth to hide a silent laugh instead.

Percy went to the Ravenclaw.  The clapping faded and Percy sat across from Luna.  "Hey Luna," he said.

"Hello again, Percy," Luna said, smiling, before looking over at the staff table.  Percy followed her gaze.

The headmistress - Mrs. Mcgonagall, Percy recalled - stood up and quieted everyone down.

"Welcome to Hogwarts!"  she said once everyone had shut up.  "The forbidden forest is forbidden, and yes, that does include detentions."  She sent a man that was holding a cat a stern look.  Harry and Hermione laughed breifly at that while Ron smiled shakily and some blond kid at the Slytherin table snorted.

"Also, we will be providing maps with the timetables to help prevent you from being lost, so getting lost is not an excuse for being late to class.  Now let's all eat!"

Food appeared on the table.  Luna took a couple of pieces of food onto her plate, and the other kids at the table avoided any food from the plates that she got food from.  Percy grinned and took a bunch of food, pretending to be oblivious of it.

"What's your favorite food here?" he asked her instead.

She looked at Percy, remaining silent for a moment before pointing at a piece of food on Percy's plate.  "Probably those."

Percy tried it, and thought for a moment.  "You're right, it is good."

"What's your favorite?" she asked.  Before Percy could reply, she added, "It doesn't have to be here, you haven't tried many things yet."

"My mom's blue cookies," Percy replied immediately.  "Or if that doesn't count, then blue pancakes.  Or really any blue food my mom makes."

Luna watched Percy, and Percy was sure she was looking right into his soul.  "I liked food my mum made too."

Percy immediately made the connection.  "Is she..."

"Yes, she died when I was nine," Luna said, and Percy saw sadness in her eyes.

"I'm sorry," he said.

She smiled slightly.  "It's okay.  It happened years ago.  Besides, I'll see her again eventually."

Percy shook his head.  "Only physical wounds really heal with time."

Luna's silver eyes looked directly into Percy's, but Percy got the feeling that she was a million miles away.  "You can see as I can see."

Percy looked away after a moment, eating some food.  Not knowing how to respond, he lied,  "I don't really get what you just said."

Percy can feel her eyes still on him.  "I can see you."

Percy accidentally stabbed through the table with his fork.  Then, he stared at the fork, shocked because he rarely lost his cool like that.  He was usually good at hiding himself.  Why was that suddenly different?

Luna looked at Percy for a few more moments before she looked at her food and continued to eat.

Percy stared at his fork for another moment before standing up.  He glanced at Luna, saying, "I'll be back, Luna."

"Yes you will, Percy Jackson."

I hope this didn't suck too much. XD

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