Chapter Five

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*shoves chapter at you all and then quickly leaves for another like 3 years*

Percy had never been known for being observant or smart.

This is not completely their fault. Percy meant for them to think that.

Percy may have a hard time in school, but that was not ever really where his strengths lied. If he weren't smart in other ways, though, he would never have survived.

He was always much better at reading people than he was at reading books. And the walls and masks he hid behind were close to impenetrable (sometimes that could be more of a problem than a strength, but that isn't the point).

Percy rarely met anyone that saw the world close to the way he did, and he rarely saw anyone who had masks and walls as strong as his own.

He had never met anyone who could see through him just as easily as he could see through them.

Until now.

Behind his masks and walls was a constant and steady undercurrent of fear. Percy knew fear. But it was very rare for him to be completely, truly terrified.

This moment would have to be added to that short list.

Luna Lovegood terrified him.


Percy found the nearest bathroom quickly and almost ran inside. It was empty except for him since everyone was eating. He felt raw terror threaten to suffocate him. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, splashing some water in his face. It didn't make his face wet, but it did help ground him and it helped his emotions settle.

As the terror receded back to its normal levels, it was replaced by something else. It was replaced with a budding sense of respect and loyalty towards Luna.

Percy's loyalty and respect were almost never gained this fast.

(Luna Lovergood was dangerous.)

There was a knock on the door. "Percy? You in there?" he heard Hermione ask from outside the door.

As Percy walked towards the door, he felt bone-deep exhaustion settle back into every fiber of his being. He sighed silently, very familiar with the feeling, and easily put on a mask as he opened the door. "Hey, Hermione."

"Are you okay?" she asked, seeming worried. "You left pretty quickly, and your fork was stuck in the table."

"I'm fine," Percy said with a slight smile. "Kind of really tired, I guess. I think everything that's happened recently has finally caught up to me." He settled for a half-truth.

Hermione seemed to be trying to search Percy's eyes for a sign of a lie. She didn't find anything (of course). She finally replied. "Well, everyone's dismissed in about five minutes. Do you want to go back or stay out here?"

Percy was silent for a moment thinking, before asking quietly, "Can I stay with you?"

Hermione smiled softly, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. Her eyes had a hint of sadness to them (that was always there), accompanied by concern (which was not) that Percy was immediately filled with guilt for having caused.

"I'll sit with you at the Ravenclaw table until everyone's dismissed," she said.

"Thanks," Percy said quietly with a smile.  They walked back in that direction.


Percy sat back in his spot by Luna and Hermione sat next to him.  Percy casually picked how fork from where it was still sticking up out of the table and continued eating his food as if nothing had happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2021 ⏰

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