His smile

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Abigail's point of view:

I arrive back home just in time. I ask my Dad who's out in the back if he can give he a ride to a friends house. I didn't want to say his name because my dad would think I'm hooking up with him or something. He says yes without question and I walk to my room, I need to make sure I pack everything I think to myself.
I need my sketchbook in case I get anxious as well as pencils, a book just in case so I grab my favourite The Start it was the perfect romance book, I also grab my inhaler as a must because anxiety attacks and Assam don't go together. I put everything into my black backpack and put it over my shoulder. I check my phone and see I have a message from Jade.
Jade- Where are you?
Jade- I'm getting mad, please answer!
Jade- Hello, are you dead?
I giggle and then start writing my reply. As I'm writing the reply I realise that the bus trip was a little too long and I tell my dad the I'm running late so he grabs the car keys and we ran out the door. Then I send my reply.
Abigail- I'm on my way trust me sorry time got ahead of me.
My dads driving and starts to ask questions. "So, who's this friend"? I sigh. "A friend of Jade's she invited me it's so I can make new friends". He smiles and nods. "I'm happy that your pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, hopefully you can make some new friends". He then goes on about what I need to do to make a good first impression, while he's doing that my thoughts are what I'm focusing on.
What happened if they don't like me? Will they think I'm weird? What if I forgot their names? What if I embarrass myself? I have to stop myself from thinking.
"We have arrived to your destination". He looks at me and sees me worried. "Don't worry kiddo just be yourself as cheesy as that sounds it's true". He kisses me on the forehead. I grab my stuff which is at my feet. "Love you and Jade can drive me home". I say thing as I'm getting out of the car. "Love you too". He says this and now I'm faced with knocking on the door.
Knock knock
Jade answers the door. "Thank god, I thought you stood me up come in I can't wait for you to meet everyone". She says this as she grabs my hand and pulls me through the door way. "Ladies and gentlemen this is my friend Abigail and you can refer to her as that until I give you the approval". Jade says this with a smile while showing me off. Everyone says hi and I'm Harrison, I'm Jacob and I'm tony and whatever. Jade and I have different ideas of the word 'hot', I see all these guys as the average looking nice guy. I sit down and get greeted by a lovely woman. "Hello, my names Nikki I'm Tom's mum you'll meet him later he's currently at the supermarket getting more drinks". She hugs me while saying this. The group of us move to the backyard and greet everyone else such as, Tom's Dad his brothers and Harrison's family. I only found out that it's a house warming and this makes me feel like I'm ruining it. I feel myself becoming nervous so I sit down close to the window while everyone else is chatting and I begin to draw.
After a few minutes of drawing I realise that I look like I'm becoming across as rude but I can't help it, I'm shy I've only said at least 4 sentences. I fix my hair and then begin to put everything back. "Hey, Abi Toms here you need to meet him". I hear this from Tony as he drinks his beer. I leave my bag at where I was sitting and head towards the group and as I walk I see Tom and my stomach fills with butterflies I've never felt this way before it's not my anxiety, but I ignore it. "Hi nice to meet you I'm Tom". He smiles that god dam smile and shakes my hand. "I'm Abigail, nice place". I say this and I feel the awkwardness feel the room. "Thanks my mum found it". He smiles again and my heart melts he sits down next to an empty chair. "Abi just sit down next to Tom". I hide the fact that that's one of the things I don't want to do right now but I do it anyway. Harrison, Tony, Jacob, Sam and Harry all grab a soccer ball and begin to play. To says he's not interested and instead he talks to me. "I saw you drawing before". Asked Tom with a beer in his hand. "Yeah, when I get anxious I draw or read it calms me down". I smile then realise shit I'm talking about my anxiety, not exactly a topic I would like to talk about. "That's cool when I get anxious I imagine myself in my happy place or think about all the things I've done in my life so far". He takes a sip of his beer. "What are some of those things you've done so far"? I ask in hope I we can talk more about him then me. "Uh, well I'm an actor and I've done some cool projects, but I don't want to sound like I'm bragging". I nod so he knows I've been listening. "It's not exactly bragging sometimes it's good to brag so you can look back and re-live memorise". After I finish my sentence I realise I sound like a fucking tumblr quote. "Haha, I sound like a tumblr quote". Shit I said that out loud. He laughs then snorts I begin laughing. "Sorry, that was funny". He smiles. We begin talking and it's like we've been friends for years. It's been an hour and we've only just realised everyone's inside. "We should probably go inside it looks like it's going to rain". Tom says as he picks up his empty beer bottle, then I realise he's not picking up his beer bottle he's offering his hand. "Thanks". I take his hand in shook, as I do a rush my butterflies fill my stomach. We make eye contact and it looks like we're about to kiss then we hear a voice. "Come on dinners ready"! It's Tom's little brother Paddy. "Sure thing mate". Tom reply's but it has a little bit of a tone to it. Maybe it was going to kiss me? "We should go in". I say.
We eat dinner it's great everyone's chatting then Tony one of the guys there suggests we play a game. "Let's play the questions game but 18 plus edition". He laughs. "Your so gross", Zendaya and Laura say in unison. Everyone else agrees to play but for the people under 18 or over 23 they are planning to go home. Tom looks at me his god dam smile "want to play"?  He asks. "We can get to know each other". I hear Jade, it sounds as if she's about to hit on someone. "Okay sure I'm probably the most pure person here anyways".

That FeelingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora