The offer

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Abigail's Point of view:

Before we can begin the game I realise it already 11 and I needed to be home by 10 so I could be in a good mood for work tomorrow. "Shit" I say out loud not realising, everyone looks at me. "Everything okay"? Laura asks me sitting down next to Zendaya and Jacob. "Uh, I was meant to be home by 10". As I look at Jade she smiles and says "I know I promised to drive you home but I kind of want to stay". Before I can respond Tom starts talking. "I can drive you home I mean if you want me to"? He smile and speaks really fast but I can still understand him. "Sure why not". I smile and we begin to walk. "It was nice meeting everyone". I smile and text Jade for her to give everyone my number. Tom and I are in the car now and we're talking I don't think I've ever felt this way. Butterflies fill my stomach and I can't help but blush. "Are you okay you seemed embarrassed"? Tom says this of course he does he's perfect. "Yeah, I'm fine I just tried". I just spoke like a fucking 5 year old. He laughs and begins to sing the song on the radio Hey There Dehila even though he can't sing it sounds so perfect I smile and admire his appearance.
In my mind I think; why am I staring? He's so cute! I don't like him! Maybe I do? I wonder if he has a girlfriend? My thoughts get interrupted by a hand on mine. "You okay"? He says this and I realise he's pulled over. "Yeah, sorry just thinking". He smiles, fuck. "Okay then what are you thinking about"? His hand is still on mine. "Honestly, I don't think you want to know". He and I laugh. "I'm serious, I want to know how can I be friends with you if you can't tell me what your thinking". He smiles again, that god dam smile. My mind doesn't think straight and decides to tell the truth why! I look into his brown eyes "I think your really attractive". He laughs with his hand still on mine. "Shit, I—I oh god". "Thanks not too bad yourself". We both laugh. "I'm sorry". My hands are on my face and I'm turning bright red. "Don't worry". He says this then start to get back onto the road. We're singing along to the radio and talking, it's like me telling him he's attractive never happened.
We pull up to my house and we walks me to the door. Even his walk is perfect. "Thanks for the ride". I say this and smile while also shaking his hand. "No problem". He's no smiling and it's awkward. "Okay". I turn around to open the door. "Ask Jade to give you my phone number". Before I can respond he's back in his car driving away. He wants my phone number? When I open the door I see my brother Adam. "What's up with that guy"? Of  course he asks me this it's what older single brothers do. "He's a friend nothing else". I nod and walk to my room. "Okay, So you weren't just staring at each other for uncomfortable amount of time". He laughs. I stumble on my words and then just shut my door for dramatic effect so he thinks I didn't hear him even though I did very clearly.
*Next Morning*
An annoying sound interrupts my sleep, it's my sister Chloe. "Get up, mum said you have to drive me to school". I groan. "Fine, what time is it"? I ask. She checks my phone beside my bed. "Uh, it's 7:40". Shit this is when Chloe should be leaving. I make a get lost hand motion to the door and she leaves. I grab everything and then realise I should change out of my sweatpants and singlet. I put on long sleeved striped shirt and a shirt. I put my bag on and grab the car keys and head out the door. "Quick, Chloe". I shout then realise she's already in the car. I feel like I've ran a marathon. I take the quickest way to hell I mean school. My sister isn't talking to me which isn't a surprise, she mad at me because I went to the Sunday markets without her. "How was your friends place yesterday"? I ask her in hope we can do something rather then sit in awkward silence. "That friend was Jamie, and it was great no more questions". I sigh, why do teenagers have so much sass. "I'm sorry". I smile at her then say. "We're here, have a lovely day at school and I'm picking you up". I smile at her as she gathers her stuff to go to hell I mean school. "Fine"! She slams the door and walks off. She'll probably get over it soon, I think to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2018 ⏰

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