Good To Have Help

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Superman came in a few minutes later.

"Is Diana okay?" Bruce asked.

"She's fine, just tired, I think. You know she stayed up since three watching you."

"I guess even Amazons need sleep," Batman muttered.

"Well, that's fine. It's about time for my shift, anyway," Clark smiled, taking a seat by Bruce's bed.


"Well we all agreed to watch over you in shifts, this way none of us would get too tired and fall asleep, and there'd always be someone watching over you."

"Great," Bruce grumbled, obviously embarrassed, "What are you and Diana still doing here, anyway? Don't you have to be at the Watchtower or something?"

"Well, truth be told, there's not much going on today. I've got Martian Manhunter manning the Watchtower and he's supposed to alert us if anything comes up, but so far nothing has."

"Lucky me," Bruce said sarcastically.

"That reminds me," Clark looked at him seriously, "We tried to contact you last night. We finally got some leads to the location of that millionaire loan shark who skipped yesterday's party."

"Oh, right. I think I vaguely recall something like that. You tried to contact me and Catwoman used the intercom to call you guys."

Clark smirked, "Lucky we decided to contact you then, huh? She said she was going to take you to the hospital if Diana and I hadn't shown up to fly you home."

"Are you looking for a thank you as well?" Bruce glowered.

Clark laughed, "No, no. But it sounds like you're starting to feel better; you're starting to act like your old self again."

"I hadn't noticed any changes in my behavior."

"Last night, when we flew you home, you didn't say anything at all. You had us really worried. You mostly stayed quiet, aside from the occasional groan."

"Is that so?" Batman turned his head away, embarrassed.

"...Anyhow, glad you're starting to feel better. Oh, and don't worry about the Batmobile. Nightwing brought it back, after we brought you home. You're lucky, you know? Having a family that cares so much about you, willing to do anything for you... I hope you appreciate that... well, I'll let you rest for now. I trust you to stay in bed, but if you need anything I'll be right around the corner. And I've got x-ray vision and super hearing, so don't even think about trying to escape!" Superman flew out of the room.

Bruce smirked, "I know, I'm lucky... I've got a great family."

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