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"Hey, I think I saw you in a dream once."

Those words seemed to fit in well with Garroth's morning. It seemed as if everything was happening on cue today, like a perfectly-planned sequence of events. He turned around to see a significantly shorter girl, looking up at him with a peculiar look.

He raised his eyebrow at her blunt remark. Usually, girls would either be one of the two; timid and shy, or flirty and touchy. Personally, he didn't like either of the two types. Although it was a rare occurrence, he appreciated it when girls treated him normally. Maybe it seemed like too small of a gesture, but for him it was extremely thoughtful, even if they didn't mean it to be. "Well that was quite blunt." His british accent usually made girls swoon, but this one seemed unfazed.

"Well, it's true!" She replied. It was particularly windy today, which resulted in her raven hair being blown all over the place. She reminded Garroth of Rapunzel, seeing as her hair was long enough to touch her hips. Ha, I'll make sure to tell Dante about that, he mentally noted, knowing his friend had an obsession with long-haired girls.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "Are you sure you aren't mistaking me for someone else?" Garroth found it hard to hold himself back from flirting with this girl, as she was absolutely stunning. But, he felt as if he could start a friendship with her, and he didn't want to mess that up.

The girl rolled her eyes in response, "Out of all questions, that's the one you ask." He felt his cheeks heat up, and his palms began to sweat. Usually, girls wouldn't dare be sarcastic nor blunt around him, they all tried too hard at showing their best selves, that they ended up driving him away. Whatever, He thought. I'll just use the heat as an excuse if she notices.

Taking in a deep breath, he prepared to let the rare, but occurring nerdy side of him come out. "Well, the human brain can't make up faces. If you see someone in your dream, that means you've seen them before, even if it's only a glimpse." He knew this paragraph word for word, as it was his favorite dream fact, which he found from his favorite blog. That was a well-known trait about Garroth, he was very interested in the science of dreams.

He internally smirked, while he kept a straight face in front of the girl. Expecting her to be amazed or in shock, he waited for her reaction, but she had none. "So?" Was her response. It seems as if this girl doesn't care about anything, he muttered in his mind.

"So," He said, emphasizing his words. "seeing me in your dreams would be impossible, as we've never seen each other before."

The strange girl muttered something under her breath, which Garroth unfortunately didn't catch. "What was that?"

"Nothing." She spoke quickly, too quickly in fact, that it made Garroth suspicious. But before he had a chance to interrogate her, she pulled the strap of her backpack and waved him off. "See ya."

With that, she left in another direction leaving a stunned and confused Garroth Ro'meave.


Class went by in a blur, as usual. Nothing about class stood out to him unless something seriously outrageous happened, which was very unlikely. He nearly fell asleep in quite a few classes, but fortunately none of the teachers noticed. God knows what his father would say if he heard that he wasn't paying full attention in class.

Lunch, however, was another story.

Although Phoenix Drop High was a well-known private school which was quite hard to get into, it did not make their social scene any different from any typical high school in the country. As soon as you entered the cafeteria, it would be filled with noise, as about 100 to 200 students were loudly chattering in one ginormous room. People were pulling pranks, running around, and all other sorts of crazy things as this was the only moment during school hours where there weren't any teachers supervising.

Just don't cross the lunch lady. That's the only rule.

As Garroth passed through the different tables, he spotted quite a few loners staring longingly at him. Must be freshmen who haven't made any friends yet, he assumed. He let his side-swept bangs cover the side of his face as he walked past them, not wanting to make eye contact. Although he considered himself a friendly guy, he wasn't so outgoing as to seek out new friends whenever he had the chance. He liked his small circle the way it was. I'll meet them eventually, he thought. He quickly pushed the topic to the back of his mind as he saw his best friend waving him over.

"Garroth!" Laurence called. He sat on the right of Dante, who was too busy munching on his chips and flirting with Nicole to even notice him. In front of them sat Lucinda, who looked up from her potion book to acknowledge him. Sitting beside the ginger-haired girl, he noticed two empty seats behind him, which triggered a question in his mind.

"Hey, where's Katelyn?" As if on cue, he felt a volleyball hit the back of his head.

Katelyn, the aggressor she was, threw her fist into the air and celebrated. "Score!" Although most of his friends were laughing, his attention drifted to the short, yet familiar girl standing beside her. Tossing her hair over her shoulder, her eyes landed on the boy staring at her. Smirking, she crossed her arms. Well this is certainly going to be an interesting lunch, he mentally sighed.

Settling down, Katelyn sat down next to Garroth, with Aphmau following suit. He sipped on his juice box to hide the anxiety building up inside him. Since when did he get so nervous around girls? Then again, she wasn't like most girls he'd met. Like Katelyn, she wasn't fazed by his looks and didn't flirt with him 24/7. That was why he was so close with Katelyn and Nicole. As for Lucinda, he knew she was similar, but she did tend to flirt with him- and everyone, for that matter, for fun. It was just her personality.

"Everybody," Katelyn started, grabbing the group's attention. "Meet Aphmau! She's a freshman I met earlier today." Aphmau waved, and was soon chattering away with Katelyn and Nicole. Garroth sighed, it seemed as if the first day of sophomore year would be plain. It wasn't a bad thing, but it couldn't be classified as good either. Although he would never admit it, he would rather be in class than join in on these boring conversations. Dante and Laurence were talking about hot freshmen, and while Garroth agreed that a lot of them were cute, he couldn't help but grimace at some of their opinions. He had met most of the freshmen already since he was a teacher's aid, and that being said he also got an idea of what their personalities were. They were cute on the outside, but nasty on the inside.

On the other side of the table, Nicole and Aphmau were talking about boys while Katelyn silently gagged. Garroth definitely knew to stay away from that shit storm. He had been desperately hoping Aphmau wasn't another boy-crazy freshman, but it seemed Lady Luck wasn't on his side today. Why should I care? he questioned himself. She's just another freshman. Get over it. He told himself he wasn't affected, but anyone could tell he was disappointed, even from a mile away.

Garroth grabbed his juice box to take a sip, but a pair of hands clapped in front of his face, snapping him out of his slight daze. "Garroth!" Katelyn seemed annoyed, while the others seemed amused. He looked around the table, and noticed Aphmau trying to stifle a giggle, and failing. Damn, even her laugh sounds lovely. What's not to like about her? His blue-haired friend looked irritated, as if she'd been calling his attention for a while now. That was exactly the case, as he didn't understand what was going on. "What do you say?"

"Huh?" He gulped, trying to recall what his friends had been talking about. Katelyn stared at him menacingly, as if asking, Were you listening? That was a scary fact about her, she could interrogate people without using her words. "I- I mean, alright, I guess?" His 'answer' seemed more like a question which made Katelyn raise an eyebrow at him. Nonetheless, she was satisfied, and Garroth let out a breath of relief.

"Great!" Katelyn cheered, and put her arm around Aphmau. "So you'll be training Aphmau for the soccer team, starting this weekend!"

And that was when Garroth knew, he screwed up.

a/n | hey! did you catch that meme reference? ;) anyways, thanks for reading and leave a vote if you liked it!

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