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Chapter sixteen

"Maybe I should ask (jungkooks friend in got7) yugyeom." Jungkook smirks at Jackson.

Jackson gives him a small smile that showed sadness. Me and jungkooks eyebrows furrowed in confusion. The door of the elevator behind us opened revealing the professor along with up to eleven guards.

The professor seemed angry and only nodded his head towards us, the guards exited the elevator and surrounded us.

They held their guns up, their fingers on the trigger. We both raised or arms, surrendering even though we did nothing wrong to be aimed at like this, it's all a misunderstanding.

"Why do you want to run away?" The professor calmly asked then he slammed the side of his right fist into the wall. "I've provided you with everything you need and anyone would desire!" He yelled.

We flinched at his harsh tone and action. "Is this place not good enough for you two? Better than the dump you both used to live in I bet."

I opened my mouth wanting to prove the opposite when I heard jungkook say, "I only wanted to see the other floors and rooms. I dragged yoongi unwillingly with me. It's my fault. I didn't mean to-

"No matter." The professor silences him and stands in front of us both. "There will be consequences." He gives jungkook a look of disappointment and turns giving me his attention. "For both."

"But professor yoongi- jungkook tried defending me but the professor just had to stop him again.

"Any objectives will increase the level of punishment you will receive." I touch jungkooks shoulder and he looks down at me, I give him a reassuring look to indicate that it's fine. Though I can see the guilt and sadness present on his face, very visible.

"Doctor ragnaralph." A short old man with a circular spectacle on his right eye makes his way through the guards and shoves one violently. "Move you stupid insect." And stands to inspect us.

"What fine specimen." He says, displaying an ugly smile. "Let's test them out." He giggles in a crazy manner with excitement.

A guard held onto my shoulders dragging me in the opposite direction where jungkook is being took. A rise of panic filled at the idea of jungkook being tormented even though I am going to be subjected to a painful experience.

As I was about to stop time suddenly I notice j-hope wearing one of the guards uniforms, my eyes widen in confusion. He winks my way, my heart calms a bit because of his smile.

I look back for the last time....

Jungkook seems like a little kid, a defenseless little kid...

He can easily break their bones with his bare hands. Though he'd rather not get us into more trouble..

Why is J-hope here?

I can see the future remember.

What the fuck.


I glare at him and he turns his head the other way whistling.

Invading my mind already.


You can see glimpses.

I saw enough.

Tell me.




The doors open and they push me inside. They close automatically afterwards and I see a huge transparent stick sticking out of the ground. It had an orb floating atop it, electricity emitting around it.

"You are in for a shock." Ragnaralph giggled clapping his hands like a seal. "I've set the voltage high. Who wants barbeque, electrified style!" He snickered at his own lameness and urged the others to laugh along even though they looked like they just wanted to get this over with without delays.

But Not Today!

There will be more delays starting from J-hope who will be my savior, hopefully in time.

J-hope if you just came to watch me get electrified I will-

No, of course not dude! Do you think of me as such a heartless person!?

No. You look to kind to be..

Lol. Then why are you-


Oh so you're gonna judge me from that!

I have trust issues.

Trust me.


I am being led to the see through stick. My hands are ice cold from the  AC set on a very low temperature. Probably to freeze my dead body when they're done. I can see my skin paler even though I'm already very pale.

I can just stop time and run out of here and save jungkook.


Stop it!


Wait j-hope!


What about jungkook?

I've sent RM to take care of him.

You guys will get in trouble, and you guys know that. Are you willing to pay the price?

Inorder to save my friends, anytime.


"Stop dazing!" He slams me on the stick which hurts my back as hell and straps me to it. The stick begins raising off the ground so that I am dangling in the air with only my wrists are strapped to the contraption.

I struggle to keep myself lifted so that my arms won't come off.

Now? I ask him through telepathic communication.

Not yet.

"God dammit!" I yell in frustration and pain. My arms aching from the immense effort and pressure I'm exerting and from the friction on my wrists from the leather straps. Burn marks are forming cause I can feel burning sensation from them.

Ahh ...Now!?

Just a bit more!

I see the doctor approach a table that has pullers and buttons on it.


Sorry to kill it here guys. But imagine what might happen, your imagination might be more epic than what I might right then.

Sorry again that this chapter isn't as long as it should be. It's just schooooooollll ugghhhh, this vacation was like me attending school though staying at home which is a bit better. You might say you at least don't wake up early to blah blah blah, I wake up early. I sadly wake up early on instinct, I'm that affected and willing to give up my sleep to do stuff that won't help me or are even are needed in my future career.

Anyways, have a happy New years and may all your wishes come true.

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