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Sorry to inform you that this is not a chapter but a side note that this book is soon going to reach 4k views eventually *applauds mentally*, you have no idea how happy I am that that many people are interested in reading this book or at least just looked at a chapter and said fuck it 😂.

You are in a state of either confusion or just going with the flow. I mean I can do a Q and A chapter for you guys but you have to comment questions to get answers, am I right. Now, I can't answer questions that would spoil the book but I can give you a vague answer LMAO.

I'm sorry for not putting a warning on that erotic chapter between jungkook and yoongi. I was so engrossed that I forgot lol. I basically just hit you with two chapters of holy macaroni to not bore you out of your minds and not think that this whole book won't even have a kiss scene. This book will have so much more sweeties    (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

It might be a while till the next update since I'm moving to another country very soon, like barely a week and I'm off to a world of unknown and sadly I'm going to start school so very soon.                   (。>﹏<。)  ಥ_ಥ   ಠ╭╮ಠ

Please share, comment cause I love to hear people's thoughts and opinions so please do and vote.

Thanks for reading!

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