'Fault in our Stars'

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This update is dedicated to the most lovely person arsheen_momin
The one who was the most excited about me writing and sharing something here on wattpad. You know I love you.
Thank you for the beautiful cover and also your immense support.


On a holiday Kush would go on sleep until whenever he likes. Sleep was his first love according to him. But not this day. He was asleep when his friend Raiyaan called and told him that he has shared him something on insta and that he wants to know Kush' s reaction.

Waking up in a grumpy mood he opened his Instagram and saw Raiyaan has shared a post of @books_rain_love
That was a beautiful photo of one of his favourite books . As he read further his mood went from grumpy to angry..
The post said:_

*Finally read this widely popular book.
And as any other John Green books this one too had some really amazing quotes like
"I fell in love.. like you fall asleep. Slowly and than all at once."
There are a lot of stuff I didn't like in the book.
First things first.

I didn't like how Cancer was romanticized in the book. Cancer is a serious issue. It's like some textbook things are copied in the book about cancer and that's all. John Green should have gone into the depth of it.
Dying is the last stage yes but its not the only stage. The Book should have shown more insight of all the stages before dying of cancer.

It was just another romance book and not a book about two cancer patients. If one takes out all the romance there is nothing left in there.

Talking about the structure of the book.
I have found John Greens book being repetitive. There is always a nerdy/badass girl and there is always a guy who wants to please or help her. And a clever friend who helps the guy. And then happens a major plot twist in the end. That's the structure of all his books.

Talking about characters.
I didn't like Hazel. She was pretentious and also kinda stupid. She in the beginning acted like she has never seen a boy before. Talking to a stranger was fine but going to his home for a movie in like a 15 minutes talk!! Seriously you don't do that.

Augustus was this amazing guy with blue eyes!!! He was a good character. He was what he was and he didn't pretend to be someone else.

Though I liked the relation between Hazel and her parents. And also the small ways Augustus tried to make Hazel happy.

I know my opinion differs from alot of people but That's what I think and everyone has a different opinion. As they say 'No two readers read the same book'

- Books_rain_love *

Already in a bad mood he felt even worse now. How could someone be so negative about that Awesome beautiful book. As he was still staring at the review of FIOS Raiyaan called.. " So.??? Isn't it the most awesome review of our Kushi's favourite book!!" Raiyaan went on mocking Kush and in return Kush just cut the call.

His friends always mocked him for his habits of reading. And more than that they teased him continuously for a few days when he told them FIOS was one of his favourite books.

According to them and alot of people FIOS is a girly romantic book. As if habit of reading was not enough he liking such romantic stories didn't quite go down well with his friends. But they really can't do anything can they! Besides Kush didn't care much. He liked the story with all his heart. He thought it was a good book to show how people who are meant to fall in love will fall in love and also that time doesn't matter.. True love will still be the most beautiful feeling in the world that one can experience..even if that was for a very short time.

As he read the comments on that post he was surprised.. not on how many people were supporting the book but on how many people were actually supporting that girl's view. Who are these people... why do some people only have to find flaws in beautiful things.

Since ofcourse it was his favourite book he must answer to this. So he took the comments section and wrote a long comment

"Some people who just try to make there review popular among others try to write them with a different approach. And what better way than to criticise a widely loved book and gain views and likes and comments on the post and page. Some people just can't see the beautiful true side of things. Why can't some people just sit and relax and read with a clear mind instead of reading books as if its a report they need to find flaws in.
Didn't the so called critic of this book felt the real attraction between the characters. Didn't she saw how Hazel who was always thinking of death was finally thinking about a guy and spending time with him. Didn't the critic understood the emotional quotient of the book.
Why don't we try to understand that John Green just tried to show us that no matter in what situation you are you can still find love and still be happy even if it's for a little time. Fine if you don't like the book but don't you think sharing your views in such negative approach will result in so many people not reading the book. What if this book is just what they need but they didn't cause they read your review of it.
Reviewers should understand that they tell the goods and the bads equally. Hope such people get more interesting things to do in there life than to find flaws in beautiful works of other people."

And posted. After writing his anger out He felt better. ' What a happening start of the day!!' He thought. He had so many plans for the day but this Book rain love just ruined his plans.

Thinking he won't let a random girl ruin his mood like this he got up to his shelf closed his eyes and let his hand roam around the spines of the books kept. Letting his fingers decide which story world he would visit today.

His fingers stopped on one book. He opened his eyes taking it out. "Essentials of Rumi." Said the title. A smile made its way on his face. He always gets the best Book when he closes his eyes and randomly picks one of the shelf.

Rumi's poetry was the perfect solution to distract your mind with negative thoughts. Cause not only his works are beautiful and deep but you need to really feel the words and think about them to understand it completely. His poems will make you think about love, life, God and other aspects so hard that you will eventually forget why were you upset on the first place. Thinking this he took the book and a pen and sat by the window on his bean bag. Opening a random page he read,

'Notice how each particle moves.
Notice how everyone has just arrived here from a journey.
Notice how each wants a different food.
Notice how the stars vanish as the sun comes up, and how all the streams stream towards the ocean.
Look at the chefs preparing special plates for everyone, according to what they need. Look at this cup that can hold the ocean. Look at those who see the face.
Look through Sham's eyes..
Into the water that is entirely Jewels.'
- Rumi

And that did it. That's what Rumi always did. How dows he always know what to say. Suddenly Kush was not angry any more or in a bad mood. Suddenly there was this calm and coolness spread all over him.
That girl may not like the book cause she is different but why should it make him angry. Everyone is a part of different journey that is unknown to others. Who was he to judge. And with that thought he closes the book with a smile and decides to go ahead with his day in a new and improved positive attitude.


Hey readers!!!!

Hope you like the update.
Thanks to my dearest Aisha for helping me on this one ❤
We always get mad when we listen someone saying negative stuff about our favourite books but I realised this from a personal experience that just because their opinions dont match with yours doesn't make them wrong. People have different opinions and you should try and respect them.

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Thank you so much for Reading ❤

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2018 ⏰

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